Saturday, 24 April 2010

Grandma Bascom

My phone rang this afternoon at 1:30 when I looked at it to see who it was it said it was my mom and I knew straight away that something was wrong. Of course I was right. My grandma Bascom passed away this morning. Though this was not a suprise she has been sick for a long time it is still hard.Some of you will remember this blog post entitle Grandma Bascom I do feel a great loss. With my grandpa having passed away 4 months ago I feel some what better imagining their reunion and the joy that they must feel knowing that they did it and they did it together. Their legacy will live on in our family, their 9 wonderful children (2 of which have already passed away but have left legacies of their own) their 52 grandchildren and their many many great grandchildren. I feel bad for my little brothers who never really knew my grandma before she got really sick and will only remember her how she was the last 15 years of her life. I have very fond memories of her ones which I will cherish through eternity. I do look forward to the day when I will eventually be able to sit around and talk to her and my grandpa again. In the meantime I will try to be the example of Christ to others which they were to me.


Sarah Coyne said...

Oh Alisha, I'm so sorry! It's always hard to lose someone close, even when they've been sick for a long time. Hang in there!

Kelly Krew said...

I agree, I can not believe how long she has held on, I can only imagine the joy she is feeling now with Grandpa, Guy & Judy! She was a great woman! We will all miss her but all so happy to see her finally free of the stings which have been tying her down all these years!

The Scott Family said...

Hope you are feeling ok about your Grandma!! Its always so hard loosing a loved one, but what makes it a little easier is that you know that their eternal companion is waiting for them, thats how I felt when Mum went....HOW HARD, yet I knew she was gonna be reunited with Dad again, so it took away some of the pain... Thinking of you XX