Saturday, 24 April 2010

Favorite Quote in this months VTing Message

As I have read this months Visiting teaching message one quote in particular has stood out to me. It was said by Elder Robert D Hales. He said "Prayer is your personal key to heaven. The lock is on your side of the veil." You know sometimes you read something and you think I knew that but maybe I just needed someone to tell me again. I love to pray. I actually find myself praying non stop through the day and if there is one thing I have learned as an adult it is the fact that you dont need to be kneeling down with your eyes closed and your arms folded to be talking to our Father in Heaven. Our Heavenly Father loves to just hear from us the same as we love to hear from our fammily and friends. I for one am very grateful for prayer. Quiet often during the day I find myself just wanting to talk to my mom or one of my sisters but with the time difference this is impossible. For this reason I am grateful for my Heavenly Father being a prayer away.

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