Monday, 26 April 2010

Kaylee is to smart for her own good!!

When Kaylee got home from school she asked me if she could watch Super Mario Brothers on You Tube. See a few times before we moved we let them watch the Super Mario Borthers Super Show in You Tube. And they LOVED it! Well I was in the middle of making dinner so I said to her to just play the games that she normally plays on the computer and I would come and put on Super Mario after dinner. Well Lee got home about 1/2 hour later and went up to say hello to her. When he came down I couldnt believe what he told me. Kaylee was up there watching Super Mario Brother Super Show. Lee asked her if I had set it up for her and she said no. She then said "I came upstairs went onto Google typed in Super Mario Brothers Super Show You Tube and all the shows came up so I am watching them. Im sorry but how many 6 year olds know how to get to You Tube and how to actually type in Super Mario Brothers Super Show. How many 6 year old even know about You Tube period? Honest she is a wizz! Anything she wants on the computer she types into google and is able to find it. I said to Lee it is definitely time to make sure the child protection is on the computer because I dont want her to get into anything she shouldnt be on.


Kelly Krew said...

WOW, I can not believe she figured that out! You are in soo much trouble! But she is adorable!

The Scott Family said...

Flippin heck!!!! Can't believe how CLEVER that daughter of yours is!! Thats unbelieveable!! X

The Scott Family said...
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Sarah Coyne said...

This is crazy! It's amazing how kids can uses technology today! (and that she can spell that well!)

Also, I love that Emma said, "Flippin heck!" Your Utah roots are definitely rubbing off on her! :)