As most of you know Kaylee has to wear glasses. Well Last week I took her back to the Eye Dr to make sure that everything is going ok with her glasses and that she can see good with her current prescription. When we got there they checked her out and have come to the conclusion that her right eye is getting worse even though it is the right prescription. So in order to strengthen her right eye they have said that for the next 2 1/2 months she has to wear an eye patch over her left eye (the good eye) to force the right eye to get stronger. SHE HATES IT!! I try to do fun things with it like I let her pick a sticker to put on her patch everyday so she can pretend it is her eye. Or she can color the patch however she wants etc. The first day I wore one with her. I thought it isnt fair for me to make her wear it and get cross with her if she tries to take it off if I dont know what it feels like. Plus it was easier to get her to wear it if I was wearing one too. It was so CRAP!! I hated to wear it and after the first hour I was struggling to keep it on. But I had to set an example to her. Ever since she hasnt had a problem with it and gives us no trouble when she has to put it on! She is such a good girl! Anyway here are a few pictures of my little pirate!! Arrrrrrr Matey!!
you are such a great mom. you come up with the cutest ideas for you little ones. i wish i were as creative as you.
Alisha, you are such a wonderful mom!!! What a great idea to help Kaylee feel more comfortable with her situation. I hope that things go well with the eye patch and that Kaylee's eyes are okay!
What a wonderful idea, wearing the patch. The sacrafices us mum's go through for our little ones.
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