So some of you might think that the B word is something really really terrible (unless you are of course in England where the real B word isnt that bad, remind me sometime to tell you the story about when Lee called a sister missionary a B in the MTC) Anyway In our house the B word is ***shhhhh whisper**** bath I had to type it small just incase Spencer could actually read the word. Yes the word bath In our house is a swear word. Why might you ask well because anytime anyone says bath Spencer FREAKS OUT!! He absolutely LOVES THE BATH. Honestly the second you say the word he starts repeating over and over Ba Ba Ba until you give him a bath. And if 5 minutes has passed then he walks to the stair gate and starts to SCREAM until he gets to go up and have a bath. It is kind of annoying to be honest. One day this week he had 4 baths. Why might you ask. Well because In the morning I gave Kaylee a bath and she cant have one without him,

then I was cleaning the bathroom and he was upstairs with me he climbed over the side of the bath into the tub and turned on the water himself (the tap was only dripping) But I could take a hint. Then while he was asleep I decided ahhh I can have a bath in peace. But he heard the water running from his room (he wasnt a sleep when I started the bath which was the real problem) and started yelling Ba Ba Ba. So he had one with me and then Kaylee had one again before bed so of course he had another one. I think that this may be because of the lack of water around him when I was pregnant with him. He remembers this and thinks that since he didnt get to do much swimming then he should be allowed to swim as much as he wants now. I love my little water baby!

1 comment:
What a cutie! I didn't know that Spencer was talking already!!
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