If I wasnt blog stalking I would never have found this cute HaLlOwEeN dEcOrAtIoN which I am going to make this week. And I would never have found some really YuMmY rEcIpIeS! Anyway just beware. If you name one of your blog entries something really FUNNY or COOL or which just sounds like an InTeReStInG rEaD... I AM GOING TO READ IT!! Even if I DON'T know you!! I dont care I just LOVE reading blogs!! And That is one of the reason I have left my blog open for the World to Read. Because if there werent some people willing to do this then I would never be able to StAlK!! So to all you other BlOg StAlKeRs out there (If you are reading this you re probably a stalker...... Come on admit it. Its not a bad thing!!) Feel free to stalk my blog. Dont be afraid to leave a comment I love to know what you have to say!! If I dont like your comment I will just DeLeTe it anyway... Lets be honest I dont want any weird comments left for the rest of the world to read! Hear Ye Hear Ye..... The Stalker has finished her speech!! (phew now you can go back to blog stalking someone else..... But please come back... I might find something else to write about! You wouldnt want to miss anything now would you?!?!)
Ha ha, that's funny. I stalk you, I found your blog through Alex and David's and I will continue to stalk you:)
Sarah Baker (was Skidmore)
i have to admit i've just recently started checking out random blogs. i figure if others do it why cant i? and if they dont want their blog looked at they can go private. anyway here is a cute one i found yesterday its about a missionary. i love mission stories.
I'm a fellow blog stalker! I as well love it and now you know all my crafting secrets! You think I come up with all this on my own ;)
I am totally addicted as well! Look what you started!!! So fun, though....
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