Saturday, 3 July 2010

Pierced Ears

Kaylee has been bugging Lee and I for a very long time to have her ears pierced. We were able to get away with magnetics for a while but they are not great because she kept loosing the backs. So the past couple of weeks she has been really bugging us like asking every day a couple times a day. Finally on Monday we told her that she was going to have to wait until the weekend. All week I have been pinching her ears as hard as I could. I have been telling her how they use a gun to shoot the earrings in. Really I have been trying to scare her out of wanting them done but it didn't work. This morning Lee said to her I don't want you to have your ears pierced because that means you are growing up, your not my baby anymore. She said daddy I will always be your baby. Anyway we went to Claire's and had her ears pierced. Of course she picked the most expensive earrings (£30) so we told her that she would have to pay half of it out of her pocket money, she has saved up £37 lately, and she agreed so she got some 9ct white gold rainbow flowers. She did so well when they walked up to her with the guns she squished her face up but when they did it she didn't flinch, she didn't cry and she told me that when I pinched her it hurt worse than getting earrings in. We are home now and she is just so excited. She keeps shouting out for no reason I GOT MY EARS PIERCED! Which scares me to death. I also keep finding her looking in the full length mirror looking at her ears and smiling. Anyway here are a few pictures to remember this blessed day with.

Waiting to have it done. Holding Claire the bear

The Squished face just before they did it

Kaylee with her ears pierced

1 comment:

Kelly Krew said...

Sooo cute! She was soo brave! I am so proud of you Kaylee! I can not wait to see them! I miss you guys! Let me know how Lee is doing! I hope you are having a great time with Grandma Sue!