Friday, 9 July 2010

Thanks Babe

So I had been dreading these past two weeks because Lee was going to be away for most of them. He is still away and wont be home until after midnight tomorrow night. The first week was so easy. This week not so much. Last night when I was laying in bed after a long hard day I was thinking just how wonderful he is. Im not sure if it my pregnancy hormones or if it is me but I have cried every day since he has been gone this week. I have realised over the past 3 days just how much he does for me and our children especially right now. I have been getting up with the kids getting them ready for the day. Making sure Kaylee's lunch is ready making sure that they are both fed. Taking Kaylee to school walking up the hill to her school and then standing with her in the play ground and walk back to the car. Take Spencer to the park or soft play or whatever else to keep him occupied for the day. Play with him in the afternoon. Go back to Kaylees school walk up that stupid hill wait in the playground again all the while trying to keep an eye on spencer. Come home rest for an hour or so while they play. Three nights Ive had to make them dinner which or me right now is so difficult to stand for too long. Make sure the dishes are done while I am cooking so as to not make too big of a mess loads mine and the kids dishes into the dishwasher. Take them up for the bath and shower, they both like to have seperate and different things, scriptures, prayers, put them in bed for the first time at 7. Most the time finally around 9 they stop coming into me. See the first night I hung out with my Mother in Law Downstairs in the living room but after having to go up and sort them out about 10 times I smartened up and decided to just hang out in my bedroom so I didnt have to go up and down the stairs. By this time I am so exhausted I finally have a bath, to try and stop these dang contractions (which always stop) take some Tylenol and read for a few minutes. Then at between 2 and 3 am Lee txt me and I finally get a chance to talk to him for the day (My Favorit part of the day) And of course you have those nights when the children decide they dont want to sleep so I end up getting 2 hours of sleep. Man a live it has been a crappy week. But Here is what I have realised. Lee and I make such a great team. He knows what I need. He knows when I am in pain, He knows when I have done to much. He takes over and does so much so that I dont have to. I am a hinter. If I need something done I wont come straight out and say Lee will you please vacuum. I will say man the floor looks so bad I will have to get Kaylee to vacuum and he knows what I am saying or trying to get at. He does so much right now for me. He and I take turns getting up with the kids. If one of us has been up in the night then the other gets up in the morning. If no children are up then every other morning we take turns getting up with them. He makes Kaylees lunches while I get the childrens breakfast. He takes both children to school because he knows how hard it is for me to walk up the hill right now and that I am really not supposed to be doing that much walking around. he bring Spencer home and goes upstairs to work but not before sorting him out with what he needs for the day. he comes down to get spencer his lunch, he goes back to get kaylee from school. and so on and so forth. He is amazing.

I know that as a mother it is my responsibility to do these things. But that is under normal circumstances. Our circumstances are not normal at the moment and I know it is because of Lee and all his help in doing everything for me and the kids that I have been able to make it this long in this pregnancy. I am excited to resume my "normal" mother and wifely duties. But this week with him being away has proven to me that I cant do it yet. I cant do it yet and keep this bun in the oven any longer. But it wont be long until this bun is born and a beautiful baby girl arrives and I can get back to doing everything I was doing before to aleviate so much stress from my amazing husband.

In the meantime Lee I know you wont read this but thank you so very much for everything you do. I couldnt do this without you! I have missed you so much this week. Everything about you not just you helping me with the kids and the house work. I have missed talking to you whenever I want or being able to call you whenever I want. I miss our evening chats. I miss waking up in the middle of the night and you being right there. I even miss your outragiously loud snoring. I miss telling you to watch my tunny because Cienna is going crazy. I miss you rushing over to put your hand on my tummy so you can feel our baby. I just miss you period.And I cant wait to see you tomorrow night and get a proper update on this past weeks events. I know how huge this is for our little family.

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