Saturday, 10 July 2010

My Husband the Genius

So anyone who doesnt know Lee has been researching something called Volume Shadow Copies for the psat 18 months well probably almost 2 years now. At the same time he and a frind of his have been creating software to make finding these files in a Digital Forensic Investigation much easier. All I know is that Lee says at the moment it can take 5 days to do an investigation on these sort of files and the software which he and his friend Mark have created will allow you to do it in about 5 hours. That is remarkable. Here is a link to press release on the research and the software.

Since doing this Lee has become a real smarty pants in his field. He has had Troy Larson the Director of Digital Forensics at Mircosoft on the phone asking him questions on how do do things. He has had some major players in the field calling him for advice. And so on and so forth. This past week Lee was in DC to give a presentation on his research. And last week he was in Wyboston (here in the UK) Both places his presentation went super well. People have been telling him what a genius he is and how the stuff he is doing is revolutionary. How they cant belive he has cracked something which others have not been able to. This research has thrown Lee into Super Stardom in his field. He is now known as one of the top people in his field and this is after only being in the field for 4 years.

The profits from the software which Lee will be selling will allow us to live a comfortable life. Plus the research and the work that he has been doing has opened up gates for us which we never thought would be opened. He is getting job offers all over the USA.

I know it is not really good to be proud but I am so proud of Lee. All of these things have not come by him just sitting on his back side. These things have come because I am married to a man who wants the best in life. A man who if always looking for ways to better himself so that he can better our family. A man who will not settle for mediocre. He is always telling me how he could have been like so many other Digital Forensic Investigators who would complain about Volume Shadow Copies but not do anything about it. He could be content with having enough money to live on for the rest of our lives and no extra but that isnt Lee.

It is fantastic to see all he has done. And it is fantastic to see everything that he wants to do and all he wants to be. I love watching his dreams come true because to me he deserves it so much. He has worked so hard and it is great for me to be able to sit back and watch all these amazing things happen to and for him. Which are in turn happening for our family. I love you Lee.

1 comment:

The Scott Family said...

WOW!! This is fantastic! Well done Lee, and does this mean that you will be back in the States sooner than you think ?