I was talking to a great friend last night and we were talking about pregnancy pains. And I was telling her that every pain, every bit of uncomfortablness I smile and though I may say Man I dont really feel well I say it with a smile because it all means that I am still carrying my precious cargo. I have no room nor do i want to complain. I would never want anyone to think I was ungrateful because 8 weeks ago I didnt think I would get this far or have a chance to feel these pains. What a blessing each and every pregnancy discomfort is.
I was also thinking yesterday how on today with Spencer he was 1 week old and I still hadnt held him. We didnt get a chance to hold him until he was almost 2 weeks old. But I everyday at the moment I am carrying this baby. And knowing that I am one day closer to being able to hold her when she is born. That is amazing. I am so blessed the Lord is really blessing us.
I thought I would post some pictures of Spencer and his early days. I love looking at them and seeing how developed he was and that our baby is that developed too.

This is Spencer at 7 days old. We were finally allowed to touch him and he had his first sponge bath. This is the exact Stage Cienna is at today.

This was my first cuddle with Spencer he was nearly 2 weeks old at this stage. So this is where Cienna will be next week at some point.

Another one of me holding Spencer. He is completely formed and all his organs working well. He was such a fighter. His siter is the same way.
I love seeing your miracle become even more miraculous right before my eyes:)
I reckon this little Cienna is gonna go right to the end!! Go Cienna go!!!X
a true miracle. im so excited for you to have a healthy, strong baby.
We're glad to hear things are going well and that you're still pregnant! Good luck with everything!
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