Saturday, 26 June 2010

Two New Sisters

Well in the last few weeks two of my brothers have gotten engaged. I am so excited to get to have two new sisters.

Tyler is Marrying Sara Romney. I dont know Sara well but we have been emailing and through the emails I just love her to bits. She is such a nice girl. I am so excited for her to be a part of our family. I am also so pleased that Tyler has found someone who makes him happy and who he will be happy being married to. I dont know too much about Sara I know that her dad is a professor at BYU and her uncle... well you may have heard of him. He ran or United States President last year.. Mitt Romney. My family all just love Sara and we are so excited for her to be a part of our family. They are getting married on the 13th of August in the Mount Timpanogos Temple. They will be having a reception in St Geoge on the 14th of August. I am so excited for them. Here is a picture of My Handsome Brother (Tyler) and his Beautiful Fiance (Sara):

Trent is Marring Anna Santamaria. Anna has been a part of our family for a few years now as her and Trenton have been dating for a while. I met Anna when we were in the states last year and she is just a lovely girl. I am really excited for her to officially become part of our family. It is odd you know I dont know much technical stuff about Anna. She is originally from the Provo area and moved to St George a few years ago which is where her and Trent met. But I dont know much else about her family. I am sure they are fantastic people because Anna is just wonderful. I am very happy for Trent and Anna that they are getting married and that they will be living in St George so close to all the family. I just know they are going to be so happy forever. You can just tell they love each other. And I just love both of them so much. They are getting married on the 23rd of September in St George.Here is a picture of Trent and Anna:

So yes my mom and my sisters have a lot of work ahead of them planning two wedding 6 weeks apart. But it will be so worth it. I want Sara and Anna to know how much I love them and how excited I am for them to be a part of our family. We are a very close family especially me and my sisters and brother and I am so excited for them to be a part of this amazing family.

I wont be able to attend either wedding because of the baby. But I plan on visit in the states next year with all three of my children and it will be so fantastic to spend time with my new sisters as well as the rest of my wonderful family!

1 comment:

Kelly Krew said...

You are right, They are both awesome and I am stoked the boys are finally to this part of their life! We wish you guys would have been here for the weddings but we will take lots of pictures so you know you were at least here in heart! Love you Alisha!