I just thought I would put these up here for family and friends who are interested but live to far away to see (To see them bigger and in more detail click on them to enlarge):

Plus one last picture. Kaylee came home with a card for me yesterday. Here is what it looked like on the outside.....

Yep she drew a stork delivering a baby. Im starting to get nervous about the delivery. We all know how painful it is. I actually think it is worse after your first because you know what you are in for and the anticipation is so much worse. Anyway I am really wish a stork delivered the baby. Kaylee hasnt asked how the baby actually gets here and I am wondering when I am supposed to explain this to her. I havent explained the Birds and Bees to her because she has never shown interest. I have always thought wait until she asks or starts making comments. But the delivering of a baby.... Im stuck. Any suggestions? Do I just let her think storks deliver babies until the birds and bees story?
Leave it until the birds and bees speech, that will stop her from trying anything :) Just kidding about the last bit, but I would wait, no need to freak her out before she needs to be.
Love the pictures x
OH, I am so with you! I'm really scared about the delivery this time! I've never been a fan of pain!
For Kaylee, I would probably just be frank with her. Nate asked and I said that I would need to push the baby out. Like poo he asked? Well, sorta...! And that was the extent of the conversation! Good luck!
YAY!!!! Thank you for the pics! Kaylee is so cute! What are you saying Storks do not deliver the babies? Wow! That is what I was told MY ENTIRE LIFE!! To young let her be innocent! Love you guys!
its so amazing that we have the technology to see babies before they are born! being able to see cienna must help to make her more real for you and help you endure the weeks of bed rest! you are doing soooooo well alisha, you are amazing!
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