The other week Lee was out cutting the grass and he said to the kids come and see what I have found it was a FROG. The kids Loved it. They were so concerned for this little frog when Lee started to cut the grass again that they stayed with it to make sure it didnt get on the grass at all. I have to admit I love living here. we have so many little animals because of the forest behind out house. In our backyard we have see: Frogs, squirrels, rabbits, loads of birds and we have a wood pecker which I thought would get annoying but I kind of like listenint to him gentle peck at the trees.

Last week Spencer was begging for Kaylee to go outside and Jump on the trampoline with him, bit once again she didnt want to so Lee decided he would go out and jump with him for a while. I went out when I heard all the laughing to see what was going on and they had turned on the water and were just having an absolute blast. They get along so well. I honestly think that Spencer is one of Lee's Best Friends. Lee would do anything for these two and 1/2 of ours.

Sometimes when I get really warm (Im pregnant and have an excuse) we open the front door for a few minutes to get a breeze running through. Spencer loves to just sit out and watch the happenings of the front garden. We live on a VERY quiet street. It is a Culd A Sac so there is no through traffic and to be honest most of the traffic we get is from the little old me beating the pavement each day with their golf bags back and forth to the Golf Course. Lee took this picture of him just sitting at the front door and I really loved it so I thought I would share. He is so handsome and I am certain this little man will be a heartbreaker when he gets older. His smile is just to die for!

And lastly here is a picture of me at 24 weeks pregnant and 1 day.

Not the most flattering picture but I was affraid if I didnt take one I would do like I did with Spencer and end up with no pregnancy pictures. I had steroid injections today and go back for more tomorrow. I was convinced on both Friday and Sunday nights this last weekend that we were going to have a baby. My contractions are pretty much all day long. They are sort of a rolling contraction which lasts on average for 2 minutes. They start out like a mild period pain and slowly roll into a full blow hard contraction at which time they peak and then the pain slowly lessens. I was crying to my mom again last night. I am emotionally and physically drained. I do not want Cienna to come right now. That would be terrible as today she only has a 14% chance of Survival. But I am finding it so difficult fighting the constant contractions topped off with constant trips to the hospital to have bloods taken (oh and they cant get blood from my arm so it is always in my hand wrist or foot) as well as other tests. I am getting terrible bed sores from sitting on the couch on one side or the other. And the emotional drain comes with each contraction I worry myself to death about whether this is her coming or not. Will she be ok when she gets here and can I handle the months of emotional stress and pain which comes with a very sick child, remembering that we went through it all with Spencer before. I KNOW Heavenly Father is blessing me. I can honestly say that I feel his arms around me all the time. I have never in my life, except when spencer was so sick, been on my knees so much. I find that with every pain, every pull at my heart strings I drop to my knees and ask my Father in Heaven for strength. And he gives it to me. It doesnt matter how often I ask him he continues to poor out his love and his blessings on me. I have felt the spirit so strong. I was afraid that on a Sunday by not going to church I would loose a little bit of that but I couldnt have been more wrong. As I listen to church music, read the lessons on line as well as conference talks and share my testimony through emails with family members I find that my Tstimony and my knowledge that this is the true gospel has been strengthened. That I have become so much closer to my Heavenly Father and that I can feel his love for me. I am so grateful for this. I am grateful for the testimony which I have of this church for the knowledge of its truthfulness and for the witness I have had both now and at various times in my life that this is the true church. That through it was can receive the guidance that we need to return to live in the presence of our Heavenly Father. A being who loves us unconditionally, who will do all in his power to help us on this journey. Who sees all and makes this puzzle called life all fit together so lovely. I thank him every moment of every day for all he does for me and for those around me.
Alisha, I'm SO excited you made it to 24 weeks!! I know it will still be a rough road ahead of you, but this is still great news!! Well done! Keep us posted!
You look soo good! The kids are getting soo big! I sure miss you guys! Love you!
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