Thursday, 6 May 2010

Tatums Angels

When we were growing up there was a family in our ward they had a daughter my sisters age. In fact they had a few children but none of them were my age. I was talking to my sister this morning and she was telling me how she was reading this girl, Zeffie Everson she has a new married name now but I dont know it, blog and she told me what it was about. See this girl had a baby 6 weeks ago and the baby was really really sick. It was born full term but had so many problems. Long story short they were unable to fix the problems and todays blog entry simple says:

Goodbye Tatum: The Angel of the book of life wrote down my baby's birth, and whispered as she closed the book, "Too beautiful for earth..."

I cant help but cry. I read through the whole blog and it brought back so many memories of when Spencer was in hopsital for those 3 months. We have been so blessed with all that could have been wrong with Spencer. Heavenly Father has blessed us so much. I feel so sad for Zeffie and her beautiful little family. Even at this stage in my pregnancy I am constantly thinking and trying to prepare for the what ifs which are so possible with my pregnancies and births and yet I am not sure anything would be able to prepare me to loose my child. Even with the faith that Families are Forever I would still take it so hard.

If you want to read my sisters friends blog here is a link to Tatums Angels I am praying for this family today with all my heart that Heavenly Father will comfort them and give them peace in knowing that their baby is with his angels and Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I hope that they can remember all the good times they had with their baby and look forward to the time when they can be reunited with him in the Celestial Kingdom. Until then may God Bless them all.

1 comment:

Sarah Coyne said...

So so sad. I would seriously be freaking out, even though I know Families are Forever. I can't imagine anything worse, and will keep this family in my prayers!