Tomorrow is Mothers Day in the states. It is celebrated at different days in the UK and in the States. Funnily enough when the UK Mothers Day comes about most the time Lee says we always celebrate the American Mothers Day. And then when the American Morthers day rolls around he says We already celebrated on the UK one. I don't really mind.
I wanted to take a minute to blog specifically to my mom and my sisters. Who I find the best some of the best mothers / women on this earth.
To my Mother. I love you so much. I love how you are always there for me even though I am 5,000 miles away. I love how you always have time for me. I love how you would literally do anything or give anything for your children and have given all you have to make us happy.I love how you make each of us feel like we are the most important to you. I love your smile. I love how much you care about me and my children and our well being. I love that you allow me to be an individual and have my own beliefs my own views on things and how you never put me down for what I believe to be true, even when I know that you really don't agree. Mom you are beautiful inside and out and I love everything about you. Thank you for being my mother. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. For always standing up for me. Mostly For being my mom! I love you!
To my sisters. I love each of you. I love how you make time to talk to me. I love how close we are. I know that when we were growing up having a year between each of us was at time difficult. But now it is such a blessing. I wouldn't change it for anything. You three, along with mom, are my best friends. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father saw fit for us to all be sent to the same family. I learn from each of you every day and I am so grateful for the lessons which I learn form each of you. Whether it be a lesson in forgiveness, faith, love, parenting, selflessness, or one of the millions more lessons I learn I am grateful for each one. I love each of you and am so grateful to be able to have you as sisters and best friends for the rest of Eternity. Thank you for sharing this adventure called life with me. I look forward to the rest of forever and those adventures yet to come. I love you!
Happy Mothers Day everyone. May this Mothers Day bring you so much Happiness and Joy whether you are a mother, a future mother, a daughter or a woman. We are all important and the roles that we women have in this life are so important in our Father In Heavens Plan. Thank you to all the women who have helped to mold me into the woman that I am today, my friends, church leaders and other women whom I have left out, I say thank you.
Alisha, you are a wonderful mother too. You are doing a fantastic job with your little family and I love you to bits. Ann, you have raised a lovely family, thank you for allowing Alisha to come and be part of our family, she is a great example and I give you the credit for that. Mother's Day can be difficult for those of us who have lost their mothers. Mine has been gone for a long time now but is never far from my thoughts. Treasure your mothers, you never know when they will suddenly be taken home again.
Thanks Alisha, I love you to, and I also think you are a wonderful mother as well and the little one you are holding dearly until October is lucky to be able to join a family with you as his/her mother! I love you!
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