Daddy and Kaylee went to the circus the other week. Unfortunately they were not allowed to take any pictures inside so they got one outside and I took one when they got home. They both had the most amazing time. Kaylee couldnt stop talking about it for days. She really loves spending time with her daddy one on one.

Every month Kaylee gets pocket money or Allowance as we would call it in the states. This month Kaylee had saved some other money that she had and wanted to buy a DS game but they were all still a little more than she had so I introduced her to the world of ebay. She went on and looked at all the games they had on offer there and she bid on one and won. She was so excited when the game arrived.

Each night we read scriptures as a family. Since I have been down Lee has been having the kids sit over on the floor with him so that they dont crawl all over my tummy. Every evening they both sit down and Spencer puts his arm around Kaylee and pats her back. And through the whole scrupture reading he keeps whispering to her I love you Kaylee. It is adorable. I wanted to capture this moment and as I turned on the camera to click he looked at me. At leat his hand is still patting her back.

The weather here has been beautiful the last few days. Yesterday I explained to the kids how when I was little we use to put a sprinler underneath our trampoline and jump on it while the water was spraying us and they thought it sounded fun so Lee helped them to set it up. In the end they wanted the sprinkler on top of the trampoline. They had a blast. By the time we thought about taking pictures kaylee was already tired and laying on the grass trying to dry off. So Lee was only able to get pictures of Spencer. be he definitely got some great pictures!

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