Well today I feel as though I have reached another milestone. I am 21 weeks today. I only need to make it 3 more weeks from today and then the Dr's have promised a couple of things: 1) the most important to me they will assist the baby once it is born should it need immediate assistance with breathing or anything else. 2) they will give me steroid injections for the baby's liungs to help them to develop more fully. It is not proven that these steroids work before 28 weeks but Spencer had them at 24 weeks and he was amazing when he was born. 3) They will look at transfering my care to the Birmingham Womens Hospital which is where the baby would be transfered to once it is born if after 24 weeks. This is great because otherwise the baby would be in Birmingham and I would be in Burton which is at least an hours drive away with no traffic.
Lee said to me last night we only have to make it until the day after the USA vs England in the World Cup game. Which really isnt that far away when you think about it. The date is the 13th of June and here we are it is now the 23 of May.
New worry. I have been bleeding. Not loads just enough to scare me. Lee keeps telling me to try and relax to not let these little things bother me too much. Everytime I feel loads of pressure he says remember if you were having a normal pregnancy you would be feeling the pressure too. With the bleeding I am concerned because even in a normal pregnancy that is not normal. I found myself praying this morning that tomorrow when we go in for the Ultra Sound that the Dr might say the baby is measuring a week bigger than it was in the past. That would be a miracle and I would definitely ask them to please change my due date then just to add extra week. I am going to have another blessing this afternoon. I cant seem to get enough. I want to ask for them everyday. Not a healing one (which I am getting today with the bleeding just having started) but a comfort one. But I know that the Lords arms are wrapped around me and giving me the comfort I need right now.
Today our families, friends and ward are doing a special fast for the baby and I. I sat down with Kaylee and explained why we are doing this and how it can help us. And then her and I decided we cant fast food, me because of being pregnant and her because she is to young. But we decided that we would fast the TV. Meaning that we have given up TV for one whole day to show Heavenly Father how important this is to us and how much we want this baby to be part of our family. Kaylee is very excited to be able to do this and I am very excited to be able to teach her about fasting and the importance of it. All of this is such a great teaching tool for explaining important church lessons to her and for her to be able to practise them in a way which works for her.
I cant thank each of you enough for your love, your kind words and thoughts and your prayers. We are still in desperate need for them and in as humble a way as possible I am begging you to please continue to pray for us. I really want this baby to have a chance. Yesterday Lee was able to feel the baby kick for the first time. This baby is alive. It is part of our family already. It is a spirit of our Father in Heaven and I just hope and pray that Lee and I get a chance to bring it home to be a part of our family.
Las Vegas
1 month ago
1 comment:
I totally know what you are saying about the blessings! I wanted one all the time just to give me comfort when I was having problems. That really is the only thing you have to hold on to is our faith and know that our heavenly father is aware of our situations. Hang in there the best you can and know that we are thinking of you all the time! Love you!!
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