Saturday, 3 January 2009

Technology... A blessing or a curse?

My husband is, for lack of a better word, a geek. He isnt afraid to admit it either. Lee has, for his whole life, enjoyed taking apart computers, playing video games, working on computers and well anything techie. Now that he is an adult he likes to have nice computers and phones and the latest and most fun games consoles. Until recently we had 3 working laptops 1 broken laptop and a desktop. We have reduced that now to 3 working laptops. We have a Sony Vaio and Eee Pc and Macbook. I have to admit I LOVE the Macbook and it is a great computer. But what tend to happen in an evening is Lee will sit on our black leather recliner and I will sit on the couch both looking at various things on the web and rather than Lee saying to me, well anything he will instant message me.

This last month he got a new cell phone he got the T Mobile G1 and after seeing his phone I decided I wanted one too because it does everything. I really love the phone but one thing that I dont love is how now he surfs the internet on his phone looking for cool applications (which might I add most of them are pretty Naf, I love that british word for silly or stupid) and he instant messages me from his phone to my phone. So an evening in this Whitfield home is normally pretty quiet and goes something like this.....

*TING* Lee Says Im a bit hungry are you?
*TING* Alisha Says: Not really it is too late to eat anything anyway.

Lee will get up and go to the kitchen (with his phone)

*TING* Lee says: Ahhhh there is a bit of Triffle left would you like any?
*TING* Alisha Says: No Thanks.
*TING* Lee Says: Can I get you a drink
*TING* Alisha Says:Ummm yeah a glass of water would be lovely thanks!

And a few minutes later Lee will appear from the kitchen with Triffle in one hand and a glass of water in the other. Then the first words from the evening are finally spoken when I say thanks babe. Tonight he messaged me and I said Oh my heck That is it. Will you please just talk to me rather than instant message me? And we both laughed.

I will be the first to admit that at times it comes in very useful. Like when someone we dont really want to talk to pops around the house (home teachers for example) We can both sit in different parts of the lounge and IM each other without the people knowing. Or when we are out with someone and want to say something to each other in private. Those times I love IMing on our new phones. The other day we saw this Lady with the longest Leg hair ever in a skirt. And Lee IMed me and asked If I could believe it. Then for the rest of the night he kept messaging me the words Tickle Tickle. As if her leg hairs were tickling my leg. He is so funny at times.

Im sure that it will stop once the newness of this amazing phone disappears. In the meantime my total geek of a husband will probably keep IMing me. I guess that is what you get when you meet and court your husband online. No matter what I love him with all my heart and as I am forever telling him it doesnt matter that he is a geek at least he is my Geek.


Lora said...

That is so funny! I starting laughing out loud because I can picture you two sitting next to each other and communicating through your phones rather than just speaking to each other! It makes it fun that way, don't you think?

Lee said...

I think that this is somewhat exaggerated. We are not THAT bad, although we have our moments.
I can just imagine what comments that last picture is going to draw - Yes, I'm looking at you Paul Coyne!

Us said...

thats awesome. you guys are too funny.

Sarah Coyne said...

So funny how technology has changed our relationships! Me and Paul email each other all the time, especially when broaching potentially anger provoking subjects! You and Lee are too funny!

(by the way Trifle is poo!)

Sarah Coyne said...

Lee, this is Paul, and I'm offended that you would think that I have any negative comments about you my good friend. By the way, this post reminded me of that MP4 watch you had. Whatever happened to that?