Monday, 17 November 2008

You have an AcCeNt?!?!

Yesterday someone made a funny statement to me. Out of the BlUe they said (and I quote)" I cant believe Kaylee has an accent" What did I say to this "yep she does" but what was I thinking? I couldnt believe someone would think she doesnt have an accent. I mean come on she was born and has spent the first 5 years of her life in England. I am the only American Accent that she hears and to be honest even my American Accent has disappeared a bit. PLus Kaylee is at school where everyone unfortunately speaks Wigan. So lets see what are some of Kaylees current favorit saying.... She says dont you not. In a sentence she would say, You dont like tuna butty's mummy dont you not. Lee HATES THAT!! It is a double negative but I love it. I think it is so cute and am forever telling him to leave her alone about it. Oh yes she also calls sandwiches Butty's. Which Lee informed me yesterday that I have been calling them butty's too. She will also say mummy what's for tea. See in England the three meals that they have are breakfast, dinner (which is Lunch in the states) and Tea (which is dinner in the states). A lot of times I will hear people call them what we do back home but here in hell..... I mean wigan (whoops Freudian slip) they always say breakfast dinner and tea. Anyway, I just wanted to remember a few of these things if and when we do eventually move back to the states. Plus I thought I would put a video up of Kaylee after school this afternoon telling me about a game she played at school so you can all hear her accent. Enjoy!! 

Sorry the quality is a bit Naf (as they say in England Crap as we say back home) I took it on the digital camera and the lighting is bad since it is 4:00 and practically dark over here already!! Gotta love the winter time!


Us said...

cute, cute! i love how she says her name. that accent is the best.

knittinbrit_in_wi said...

I think she sounds lovely! I sadly have lost my accent, almost entirely, but it usually starts coming back in spurts when I talk with my mum and dad.

Congratulations Kaylee on winning the card game at school.

Sarah Coyne said...

This is so adorable. I'm "gutted" that Nathan lost his accent. Now he is pure "Spanish Fork" (so hideous). The one word he still says with a British accent is "can't".

The Scott Family said...

Kaylee has a great accent!! I love the term BUTTY, especially when you are refering to a chip butty!!!
Oh, and Kim, you lost your accent whenever you used to holiday to the states,so you didnt have any hope once you moved there!!! HahahaXXXX

Our Loved-up Family said...

Her phrases are definitely *Wigan*, but I don't hear it in her accent at all, she just sounds incredibly cute!

Cassie said...

I passed my Insurance took me 5 times to pass but I am a P&C Agent :)

That sucks that Twilight doesnt come out til December...I wouldnt be able to wait...good excuse for a trip to the states...right :)

Tiffini said...

That's so cute I love english accents. It's crazy to think you guys have accents!