This evening I was making Cinnamon Rolls and Spencer was sitting on the counter next to me watching. I was taking pictures so that I could put them on my other blog and when I took the camera away from him he started to throw a tantrum. I had to snap a picture. Lee says it isnt a good picture but I think it is cute. Plus It shows how much he has changed in the past few months. If you want a yummy cinnamon roll recipe have a look at Homemaking Honeys.
PS as an update on his finger. I had to take the last bandage that the hospital gave us off today and just put a normal band-aid on it. It was bleeding a little again tonight and I dont think this band-aid is going to last until morning to be honest.

The other night while I was helping Kaylee brush her teeth Lee went and jumped in her bed. The idea was for him to scare her I am sure of that. But it didnt scare her all that happen was she cuddled him and wanted to have him sleep with her that night. Which didnt happen. But he did lay with her for a little while. Which is always nice. She sure loves her daddy!

The other night while I was helping Kaylee brush her teeth Lee went and jumped in her bed. The idea was for him to scare her I am sure of that. But it didnt scare her all that happen was she cuddled him and wanted to have him sleep with her that night. Which didnt happen. But he did lay with her for a little while. Which is always nice. She sure loves her daddy!
why is it that babies look so darn cute when they're crying. depends on what they're crying about of course but its just so innocent.
That is such a cute photo of Lee and Kaylee! I love catching pictures of them cuddling with their Daddy and also when they are asleep. I took some pics of all the kiddies asleep only this week which I will hopefully get around to blogging at some point!
yeah!!! I can see your blog again. YOur family is so cute. Thanks for the invite.
SO CUTE! Lee and Kaylee are so sweet together. They seem to have a really good relationship with each other.
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