Ok so about a week ago a friend of mine left a comment about Kaylee Halloween Party saying that I had some cute ideas and that I should set up a blog with all my ideas. I dont really have loads of ideas only a few to be honest nor do have loads of time to be updating a crafty blog on my own (not with having to update Thrifty Thinking eery night) So I decided that a good idea would be to set up a crafty networking blog. Which I have now done.It is called Homemaking Honeys www.homemakinghoneys.blogspot.com Anyone who wants to write entries on the blog is welcome to do so you will just need to be added as an author. In order to add you as an Author I need your email address. So you can email it to me at amwhitfield@gmail.com or you can leave it as a comment. But Please olet me know if you want to be added. Also if you have any friends who are crafty, love to cook and will share recipies or anything else that the rest of the world might be interested in please let them know about the blog so that they can visit the site and then be added. I am forever looking for new ideas to do with the kids or something to take on as a new project! So I thought this would be fun. Anyway let me know what you think. I need to mention my friend Tiffini Howard who did the header and all the titles and the background on the new blog. She is amazing. She is into Digi scrapping and does such a fantastic job!! Honestly!! Thank you so much Tiffini for your help on this project. Isnt technology amazing!! 5,000 miles apart and we can still work together on a project such as this. Anyway let me know if you want to be an Author!!
Hey thanks for the shout out, I have been considering selling my services I've just been to chicken. I did although create an account so I can now, I just have to redo my page and just do it. So send your friends my way I guess ;)
Hey! How about thanks to Lee for coming up with the name of the blog? Sheesh! There's gratitude for ya!
May i please be added as an author to that awesome sight
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