Here in England the 5th of November is known as Bon Fire Night. Now you may ask what on earth is Bon Fire night? Well it is actually Guy Fawlks Night. And again the question may arise who is Guy Fawlks, he must be pretty amazing to have a night celebrated for him every year... Right ..... Wrong!! So often I wonder why do we have holidays, days set aside to celebrate special thing and most things I agree with and am so grateful that we celebrate. For example Christmas - the birth of our beloved Savior, 4th of July - The independence of our wonderful country, Memorial day & Remembrance Sunday (Pretty much the same thing) To remember those who died in Service to their great countries. But Guy Fawlks is not a man we would want to celebrate. Guy Fawlks was a member of the English Roman Catholic Revolutionaries who plotted to blow up the houses of Parliament in 1605 with gun powder. As punishment they decided to put this man atop a bon fire and burn him to death. Many versus have been written about this plot here is one:“Remember, remember the fifth of November, The gunpowder, treason and plot, I know of no reason, Why the gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot.” and never forget they have. The British people still make massive Bon Fires every 5th of November, not only are there bon fires but a top most bon fires you will find either a scarecrow, a mannequin or something or this sort to depict Guy Fawlks burning to death.
As our children are half British I think it is important for them to celebrate their country's history. And this is a major part of British History. I mean come on it has to be considering this happen in 1605 and here today in 2008 people are still celebrating it. But I am not a major fan of the reasons behind celebrating it. We don't build Bon Fires with fake men on top (what sort of lesson would that teach our children now?) But we do make the most of the joyful (if you can call celebrating burning someone to death joyful) event. This year we invited Justine and Tristram (Lee's sister and Brother in Law) and Bradley (Lee's Brother) around. I made a massive pot of Chili and some homemade tortillas. We then bought a £3.00 box of Fireworks and a packet of Sparklers to set off. The Children loved it. And to be honest isn't that what it is about? I may not agree with the reasons behind such a celebration but there is one thing I cant miss out on and that is the joy on my children's faces. I want them to have the most amazing childhoods ever. I want them to not miss out on anything and I will gladly burn £3.00 to see the smiles on their faces. Kaylee was so cute. Every time Lee would go to light a firework just as it was getting lite she would yell run daddy Please don't get Burned. We had one dud firework which didn't go off and instead of just picking it up and chancing it going off I got Lee a glass of water to pour on it first. Well Kaylee was so upset. She was so afraid that it would light and Lee would catch fire. She kept saying daddy just throw the water from here, or you are far to close to that daddy. When she was doing the sparklers she was saying over and over this is the most fun ever. She has now asked for a sparklers toy which is apparently a sparkler that isn't fire but does the same thing all the time and never runs out. We had a lovely evening. I am so grateful to be blessed with my children. So many things in life are now worth living because of them. I see things in a different view and learn from them every day. I cant imagine my life without them.
Now if the numskulls in out neighborhood would stop setting off fireworks at all times of the day things would be great. I am not certain but I think over the past 6 years of living here I have learned that as part of this blessed event (Bon Fire Night) it is tradition to be setting off fireworks for weeks before the night and again for weeks after. Not only that but these people set them off in the daytime too. Can someone please explain this one to me? I have a hard time seeing the reason behind setting them off in the daytime. What joy can that bring? You cant even see the fireworks. Silly Numskulls, Burning money!!
PS it was black outside and I couldn't see what I was taking a picture of until the picture was taken.
Looks like the kids really did enjoy it. Yes that is all that matters. Homemade chili and tortillas sounds so good. Brian hates homemade chili so I have not made it since our first year of marriage. Maybe I will have to try again and see what he says. I hate the cold winters but I love the warm soups I get to cook. Hey I am going to sony's house at 2:00 to do a bunch of energy work on you. We worked on me for 3 hours yesterday. I need to tell you about some of it it was soooo cool. Love ya
I always loved "Guy Fawkes Night". Whenever I get asked the really silly question "So, do the English celebrate the Fourth of July?", I remind them why that wouldn't be a day that the English were particularly happy about. Their next question is "Well, when do you have Fireworks then?", so I explain the history of the day and what we do. They're usually either dumbfounded or shocked that we pretend to burn someone at the stake. It's just too fun to see their reactions.
Great of you to change it into a positive. No one says you ever have to celebrate the exact reason behind it. I like bon fires they are fun.
Yep, I can agree with Bonfire night, strange reasons but fun, it reminds me of halloween - a night when the dead come back to the earth and reek havoc - strange thing to celebrate... but take that away and it'a lot of fun too:)
im with sarah on it being like halloween. no matter the reason the kids look like they had lots of fun. thats all that matters right?
I agree with you all. I celebrate things like this for the children. I love seeing their smiles.
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