As everyone will know since Spencer was born he has had problems. Obviously the first 3 months were the worst. Since he came home from hospital we have been back in one 2 separate occasions for long stays and an uncountable number of times for a single night or hours upon hours stay. Spencer is doing amazing. When we had him weighed a few weeks ago he was 22 pounds which is in the 70 centiel for his age. Plus he is 82 cm tall which is 2' 9". He is a tall boy. Spencer has on going issues for example, he suffers from sever asthma. He has 2 inhalers every day. This is most likely because of his lungs collapsing when he was so little. Spencer also has a sticky eye because of a blocked tear duct. Forever when we are out places people are saying to me oh poor little guy has conjunctivitis. Nope he doesn't it isn't contagious, though most parents think it is, it is just a blocked tear duct and because he doesn't have tears in his left eye it cant clean it out properly so it get sticky. I clean it a million time a day. He hates having it cleaned but it has to be. Quiet often his eye swells up and gets really red. it isn't nice for him at all. After every nap and every morning he looks like Popeye because he has one eye sealed closed. I finally got an appointment through though for this and hopefully they will be preforming an operation on it in the next month, which means another stay in hospital but it will be worth it. The latest problem to present itself with Spencer is Eczema. For Spence's whole like he has had two little patches on each arm. In the past month though his eczema has become very bad. His arms are oozing and his clothes stick to it. It is very painful for him. Also his back is now completely covered in eczema and it is working its way around to his tummy. The Dr's have given us various creams to try and we have bath soak for him. I wash his clothes in Non Bio laundry Detergent and Fabric softener. I don't use any regular soap on Spencer at all. Quiet often I have to wrap his arms in bandages just to keep him from itching and them from oozing all oer his clothes. Does anyone have any suggestions for Eczema? If you have ever experiences Eczema even on a very small level you will understand how uncomfortable this is for him and how much it really does hurt. I am posting a few pictures so if you don't want to see it them don't look at the following pictures. I am just writing hoping that someone will have some suggestions. Spencer has been through so much in his short life. I feel so bad for him, being his mom that is my job. But I wish that for just a little while he could be ok. Not sick, able to breath, not wondering when the next operation is. Really none of this matters though. I am lucky to have him as part of our family. He was so sick the first 3 months that I feel so blessed to have him here with us now. I just want to make his life as comfortable as possible.
Las Vegas
1 month ago
Poor little man!! I know just how painful eczema can be and I'm a adult, so it must be SO painful for little Spencer! I have it really bad on my hands at the moment, lots of little cuts and you hear numerous suggestions for what the cause,stress, tiredness, all of which I suffer with at the mo!! Some say to stay away from Dairy?? I think when I stop feeding Gracie, I am gonna go Soya and see if that works. Another friend of mine swares by Chinese Herbalists, and she had pretty bad eczema which cleared up from taking this medicine...can be quite expensive though!
Poor little guy!! A few of people in my family have has excema. One was as a result from dairy, another from oranges (of all things) and another anything with red food coloring in it.
I hope he gets better soon, it's always the worst feeling to see your child suffer.
Poor guy!! Hailey is having the very same problem and it just breaks your heart. We've been to 4 different doctor's about this. Everytime we go we learn something new. The last doctor (last week) told us the best medicine for it is sunlight it has the rays that are good for it. He said whenever I can to let her go naked in front of a window (I asked even if it's cold and there is not much sun). He also said the less soap the better, babies can't possibly get as dirty as we think they do. To try to use water only as much as possible, and then to lotion (with expensive lotion) within the first 3 min of getting out of the bath. I have been doing this and have noticed a big change. He also said to rotate the ointment and the lotion. I hope any of this is new advice and that it might work. I also finally made that other button.
My two blondies have had some minor problems with eczema, and both have asthma. When we saw the dermatologist regarding it, he informed me that individuals with blonde hair, blue eyes, are prone to asthma and eczema. They suggested trying a dairy free diet.
I had a friend with children with the same problem. Their doctor suggested that in addition to using the creams and inhalers, that they meet with an Allergist and identify the foods that the child is both allergic and sensitive to, as food is thought to be a very strong trigger for kids with both asthma and eczema.
One of my other kids has Celiac Disease and the effect of changing his diet for gluten allergy also made a huge impact on his behavior and retention and focus in learning. It was like having a different child.
It couldn't hurt.
Ah, poorr little Spencer. I had exzema when I was kid behind my ears. We used various creams, and one day it just went away. So, maybe that will happen with Spencer!
By the way, I just remembered that my visiting teachers are coming tomorrow at 10:30. I still REALLY want to talk to you, so would around 9:00 work? That's when Hannah goes down for her morning nap anyway. If it doesn't, then let me know when is a good time for you and I can call YOU! Hang in there!!
Unfortunately, Eczema is something that is relatively common to living in England. I never even heard of it before I moved here, and now I always get it in the winter. The sunlight treatment is definitely the best for me. I'd make a good excuse to go on holiday to a sunny place. I've also heard of people going to tanning beds to clear it, but I've never done this myself. I've tried loads of cream and sunlight is the only thing that works! If anything, it's nice to have an excuse to get out of the cold, dark, damp of England! Poor little guy!
Poor little guy! Aiden had a blocked tear duct and people would say the same thing about him (conjunctivitis). Anyway, he had to have the surgery it was so bad. It is all better now. It was hard seeing him going in for surgery though at one year old! It was really bad. Aiden also has eczema. The children's dermatologist said it would probably get better when we moved out of the desert. He recommended putting layers of aquaphor (sp) on it. I find that it really works, especially for the small patches. I hate the cortisone cream, but do it because I know it will help him. Good luck!
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