For weeks Kaylee has been looking forward to HaLlOwEeN! Finally after weeks of AnTiCiPaTiOn it ArRiVeD! Kaylee was a good witch. Which is funny only because she was saying all these mean witch things like "Im going to turn you into a ToAd." Or "Im making a SpEcIaL PoTiOn" and she was LaUgHiNg like a scary witch. And then all the sudden she said Ummm mommy I dont want to be a mean witch really. I might ScArE someone. Then 1/2 hour before we were getting ready to go she decided she waned to be Spookily from the Playhouse Disney Halloween Special she has been watching (yes we watched it 8 times on Halloween, Im a bit tired of it!) I explained to her we dont have a pumpkin costume big enough for her plus we definitely didnt have a square pumpkin costume! So apparently next year she is going to be Spookily. Plus she hopes that we are in America Next year so we can go to Holiday Hill..... Dang that Disney.... Anyway we had a LoVeLy TiMe!
Didnt realise Spencer was dressed up too...he looks so cute!! Love it!
What a cute little pumpkin and witch! I love witches!I also can't wait for Hailey to love Disney so I can have one that her Daddy can't resist.
So frickin' cute!! I can't believe Spencer is wearing that pumpkin outfit!!! It was just yesterday that Kaylee was wearing it! Anyway, sounds like you guys had fun!
Super cute!
they look so cute.how did spencer like the trick or treating? i love kaylees costume. what adorable kids!
They are adorable I wish we were there to see it!
Love you guys!
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