Every Saturday the local cinema shows a family film from the last few months. They charge just £1 for entry to the movie. Today they were showing WALL-E. Kaylee absolutely loves this movie so when we found out that this was the Saturday matinee we just had to go for a daddy-daughter date.
We got ready to go and went to the corner shop for a something to drink during the movie. We didn't need any sweets as Kaylee got loads from Trick-or-Treating last night so I put some in a little bag and put it in my pocket. Then we went to the cinema. When we got out of the car Kaylee became a little concerned as she couldn't see the movie poster for WALL-E anywhere. She gripped my hand a little tighter and asked "Daddy, are you sure WALL-E is showing?" I told that I was positive but I don't think she believed me until the film started.
Now, those of you that are closely acquainted with our family know that when Kaylee gets excited she gets quite hyper. She couldn't sit still for more than a couple of minutes throughout the whole movie. Kaylee went through the full range of emotions. She was scared, happy, sad, scared, and excited. And, in typical Kaylee fashion, she spent most of the movie either telling me what was happening or asking what was happening. The funny thing about Kaylee is that she can't do this quietly and we kept drawing other peoples' attention away from the movie.
All in all this was the most fun I've had for a few weeks. I don't get to hold my little girl's hand very often, and we certainly don't get to do very much on our own so, on the way out of the movie, I felt like I had to apologise to her for not doing this kind of thing more frequently. I told her that I was sorry that I had to work so much. She didn't even give it a second's thought before saying "That's OK daddy. Its worth it." I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful little princess as my daughter.
Las Vegas
1 month ago
what a great dad. in this world little girls totally need that time with their daddys. you and alisha are such great parents
This is totally cute! Wall-E is such a fun show. Nathan cried at the end when he thought Wall-E was hurt. Sounds like a fun date!!
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