So I know I have posted before about Kaylee and the lessons I learn from her. But again today I have been
TaUgHt by my
LiTtLe GiRl and as my blog is a sort of family journal I wanted to blog it. Anyway so every morning we say a
fEw PrAyErS in our household. First is the
BrEaKfAsT pRaYeR, then Kaylee has a
PeRsOnAl PrAyEr, then before school we have
a fAmIlY PrAyEr (you can never pray too much!) This morning after the
FaMiLy PrAyEr. Kaylee corrected me. Apparently when I prayed this morning I said
ThAnK yOu for this beautiful day. But that is not how we speak to our Father in Heaven and Jesus. Instead when we talk to them we are supposed to say
We Thank Thee. I then had a 5 minute lesson on how when we pray we are supposed to use words that are
MoRe GrOwN uP to speak to Heavenly Father and Jesus (as if Im not grown up enough) We then had to
rEpRaY (if that is even a word) And say
We ThAnK ThEe. Oh man how big (or little for that matter) did I feel? Here is my 4 year old teaching me the
TrUe WaY to pray. She then realised we had forgotten to thank Heavenly Father for something else,
ShOpS & ShOPpIng.. Oh help! We had to say another prayer and this is all that she said in the prayer. "Dear Heavenly Father We Thank Thee for shops and for shopping and we are sorry mommy said the prayer wrong. In the Name of Jesus Christ Amen" So not only is she teaching me how to pray but is
RePeNtInG FoR Me too.
Oh My Gosh!! Seriously is my daughter only 4 years old? Is this what all 4 year olds do? Then tonight in her
PeRsOnAl PrAyEr since I was wearing a cardigan (I am a wuss and am always cold) she said Please Bless Mommy that she wont be cold anymore so she doesnt have to wear her cardigan. And please bless all those that dont feel well and have hurt throats and ears.. she then opened her one eye looked at Lee and I and pointed to both of us... That they will feel better soon. After the prayer she said there neither of you will be sick now (she has been sick this past weekend and is afraid we will catch it) and you wont be cold anymore mommy. She says it so
MaTtEr Of FaCtLy. She knows that Heavenly Father will
GrAnT hEr ReQuEsT if she just asks him. She then said go on now give me the biggest hugs and kisses as if that was our thank you to her!!
She is way to cute and knows way to much. You better just give up now and let her be the mommy!1 love and miss you guys. Dez
you have taught her well. she sounds like such a cute girl. im pretty sure i dont know any other 4 year olds quite like her.
Kaylee has always been really spiritual, even at such a young age! (She must have some good examples at home!) She is such a cutie!
You are in for it! What a fun little girl.
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