I hope this isnt controversial but have you ever seen this advert? It was just on TV AgAiN. And I have to LaUgH EvErY tImE it is on. I will tell you why..... One of my Favorite TV Shows is Brothers and Sisters (in fact in one of the episodes I was laughing so hard that my waters broke with Spencer. I blame him coming early on Brothers and Sisters not the fact that I had chorioamnionitis) Anyway.... in the first series this guy is in it and he is Gay. I dont have a problems with homosexuals at all dont get me wrong but I cant watch this advert and think wow that man is so hot. I look at the advert and think man that guy is so GaY!
Las Vegas
1 month ago
1 comment:
hmmmmm since I've never watched Brothers and Sisters (though think I will start!) I'm going more for hotness than the gayness!! Or maybe I'm just getting all hot and bothered thinking of British chocolate. mmmmmmmmmmmm!
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