Sunday 31 March 2013

Kaylee's Testimony of Easter

Kaylee came out of Primary today in tears. Sobbing in fact. So I asked her what was wrong and here is what she told me....

"Today in Primary I watched a video about when Jesus was crucified. It made me cry because they pushed down a crown of thorn on to Jesus head with a plank of wood and I saw the people who wanted to crucify him push him around and one of them whipped him. They tore off his clothes and whipped him. This made me cry and I was really sad to see how mean they treated Jesus. The only reason that Jesus friends got him and put him in the tomb was because the person who wanted to crucify him knew that Jesus was innocent. So he let his friends have his body to put in the tomb. Jesus gave up his life. He shouted to Heavenly Father and then he died. I felt really upset because of how they treated him. But I know that Jesus died for us and that the people who killed him just didn't know that he was Jesus. I am so happy that Jesus died for me."


Sue said...

That is so amazing and so wonderful. She is beginning to really understand who the Saviour is and what he did for us. She was so upset by the way he was treated because she loves him. I am sure you will cherish and nurture her growing testimony. If she does not already have a framed picture of Jesus in her bedroom, now is the time to get one for her. xxx

Tiffini said...

Hey I have been meaning to tell you, my instagram review thing I do is simple.I just load all my pics to picassa, and create a photo grid, and then just explain the pic. Simple :-)