Saturday 29 December 2012

Kaylee moves on to state

Remember a few months ago when we were so excited and happy cause Kaylees art work entitled "The Big Move" won first place at her school and moved on to district to be judged? Well, she has now come in the top 3 out of 50 in her category who all moved onto district and she is now moving into State. She will be judged against other children grades 1-4 from the state in the drawing competition. Kaylee is a great artist but I also believe its the story behind the art as to why she is moving up again. Her drawing is supposed to depict a magical moment in her life and Magical Moment was moving from England to the USA. Hence the title the big move. We won't find out until the end of February if she gets selected to go to Nationals but regardless we are so proud of her. It was such a huge change and just like with everything in life Kaylee just takes the challenge, finds a way to make it positive and moves on. We love you Kaylee!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

That's so great, so pleased for her, big hugs from us all love you Kaylee x