Thursday 18 October 2012


Here are just a few pictures to show all the fun Siena and I have in a day. I didn't get a picture of the time she tipped the whole pot of fish food in with the fish or the time she climbed in the baby swing turned it on all the way and got stuck at full speed crying cause she couldn't get out.

Quickly a very funny thing about Siena right now she is terrified of the reflection of the lights in the floor in any store. She cries for me to let her walk and then she won't walk cause she's scared of the light reflection. It's hilarious. I'll try and get video of it.


Tiffini said...

Boy do I know how you feel!! Your hands are full!! Such a cute little girl!

Jolene_Gary said...

Siena is a typical 2 year old into everything. She is adorable.