Saturday 18 August 2012

Spencer getting ready for Football

Spencer is starting his first season of football in the next few weeks. Even more exciting is the fact that Lee is coaching him. I'm not sure who is more excited :-) Today Lee took Spencer to the sporting goods store and bought him his football boots, shin pad and a football. Spencer was so excited to show them off. He even showed me a trick daddy had taught him already, how to bounce the ball on his knee and catch it. He is so excited and I am so excited for him. His first game is the 8 th of September I'm praying I will be well enough to at least sit outside and watch him. It's only7 days after my c-section :-)


Jolene_Gary said...

Is he playing football or soccer? Either way he looks so excited!

P.S. I want to see pics of your house. It looks amazing. I see little bits and pieces from your pictures but I want more. lol

Kelly Krew said...

How Fun GO SPENCER! JOLENE they are from enland Football is soccer. :) I want to see pics of him in the games!