Friday 17 August 2012

Officially Full Term

Well I cant believe it but I have done it. I am now 37 weeks pregnant as of yesterday. What does that mean? Im full term! It has truly been a miracle and a blessing to get this far. This evening Lee and I were talking he was telling me he was going to bring pizza home for dinner because he knows how much discomfort I am in. I told him I try so hard to not complain to anyone about being uncomfortable or in any discomfort because I dont want anyone to think I am ungrateful for being this pregnant. I thank my Father in Heaven every day for this awesome blessing.

So here are the things which the Doctor has done to insure that I make it full term.

At 12 weeks he treated me for BV an infection which if not treated will never go away and always cause pre term rupture of membranes. We believe that I have had this since Kaylee and it has gone untreated.

At 14 weeks I had a surgical cerclauge put in. This is essentially a drawstring through my cervix and cinched together which doesnt allow anything in or out. If I go into labour before my scheduled c-section this will tear out which the Dr says is extremly painful. Last week he smiled and said you will have no doubt if you start to dialate because it will be much more painful than just normally dialating (Please Lord dont let me try to go any earlier only 13 days left. I can do it!!)

From 16 - 36 weeks I had progesterone shots. They alternated sides of my bottom because these shots cause swelling an a huge knot under the skin which last up to 9 days. So just as the knot and irritation would go away in each side I would get another one. They were seriously awesome! :)

From weeks 20 - 34 I had a FFN, Fetal Fiber Nectin. This is the same as a pap smear where they send the swab to the lab and it tells if you are likely to have the baby in the next week. Apparently it is 90% accurate. I never had a positive one and I never laboured early either. So it must be pretty acurate.

It has been a long ride but one which I have enjoyed. One which like I said I am so grateful to my father in Heaven for allowing me to be on.

1 comment:

Tiffini said...

Well no wonder she stayed in so long this time you did just about everything, you poor Mama! Hope you and new baby are doing well, can't wait for updates!