Saturday 25 August 2012

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Tonight we took the children out for our weekly adventure. On Saturdays we always try to have a day full of family fun activities. During the summer we have started each saturday by swimming. We then come home for lunch and naps and then do something fun in the evening. This week we started with dinner at Texas Roadhouse. The kids love it there. I think they mostly love crushing peanuts and throwing the shells on the floor. Even Siena does it. Next we took them to see the play Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was put on by a local children's acting group. We all really enjoyed it. Spencer said it was BRILLIANT! Kaylee thought it was Really Good. Siena spent the first half eating M&M's and then jumping up
And down the steps. After intermission I took Siena into the hall so she could run around. All in all it was a really good night. The next play put on by this group is Charlie Browns Christmas. No doubt we will have to see that one too :-) I sure love my little family and the time we get to spend together. Every week I look forward to Saturdays because I know that those are our family fun days and we are always going to do something special together. I hope that even as the children get older they will look forward to Saturdays and spending time together as a family doing something we all love.


Jolene_Gary said...
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Jolene_Gary said...

Sounds like Isabel didn't want to miss out on all the fun and decided to get here early. Welcome Isabel Harper Whitfield.

Kelly Krew said...

YAY! Looks like you guys had a blast! I am so happy you are able to do that with your kids.