Firstly every Monday - Friday for the past 5 weeks they have brought dinner. It never fails every Sunday night I get a call from the RS president with a schedule of who is bringing dinner each night for the week. A lot of these sisters have families with small children. They have problems of their own and yet it never fails each night one of them shows up with a dinner, a smile and a comforting word.
One day a week Nana and Grandad (Pat and Linda Robins) come and pick up Spencer. They pick him up around 9:30 in the morning and they take him to the Library, To the Park out for Lunch and then to feed the ducks. They finally bring him back around 3:00 in the afternoon completly worn out and having had the best day that week. Every morning Spencer wakes up and asks me if Nana and Grandad are coming to get him. And on the mornings I say yes, he sits on the rocking chair by the window and asks every 5 minutes when they are going to be here. When they pull up he gets so excited jumping up and down shouting they're here they're here. He runs up to which ever one is first and gives them a huge cuddle. While they are gone I actually spend most the day in bed. Catching up on much needed sleep. It is just fantastic that I am able to feel so comfortable with them taking him and I dont worry one single bit.
Once or twice a week I get a visit from Sisters in the ward. Each of them arrives expecting to do housework. They will bring their own cleaning materials and rubber gloves ready to do whatever needs to be done. Each time I make sure that My WONDERFUL Husband has sorted everything and the sisters and I just sit and chat for an hour or two. Which is heaven sent for me. I am getting to know the sisters and at the same time I am getting some adult interaction. I know Lee is working from home. But to be honest for him this means he is working more hours. He doesnt want his employer to think he is taking advantage so he spends most of the time we are at home upstairs in the office. This includes the evenings. He is so busy right now with work and another special project that we really only see each other on the way to and from the hospital. So this hour twice a week spent with the sisters is so wonderful to me.
Each week I have a number of sisters ringing to ask if I would like a ride to the hospital. This is not a simple task for them. I have only needed a ride one time because Lee has been able to take me. But I know that if at any given time I needed them they would drop everything and be on my doorstep ready to drive the 64 miles, pay for their own gas and the parking fees.
This morning I got up with Spencer at 6, which is a pretty normal time for him. About 6:30 I heard the letter box flap and a plop. At first I thought man the charity envelope delivery man is out early (In England they drop bags through your letter box asking you to fill them with clothes or unwanted items for the charity shops and then they come back and pick them up) anyway I went out to the hall to pick up what I thought was rubbish and there was an envelope with my name on it (remember it was no later than 6:30 am)I opened the envelope and this is what I saw:

I couldnt believe it. We have enough money for the things we need. I wont lie driving the 64 miles round trip to and from the hospital 2 or 3 times a week costs us a lot of money and it has put a bit of a financial hardship on us the gas alone cost us about £50 a week and on top of that in order to park at the hospitals here you have to pay. Our hospital is £2.00 for the first 4 hours. So every time we go we are paying £2.00. No one in the ward knows how much it costs. We havent talked to the bishop about it being a little difficult because well we just take from somewhere else. We never really know where we get the money to do it but we keep paying our tithing and it keeps working out. But this is a huge blessing. To be honest the £20.00 in coins which someone dropped this morning will likely last us until the baby is born because that will pay for the next 10 weeks parking fees at the hospital. Am I crying YES! You bet I am. I will never know who did this act of kindness. But I do know that they have been in touch with the spirit and Heavenly Father is again answering my very personal prayers in a way that only he can.
Each act of Service by these amazing people makes my testimony stronger. It makes me love these people more and more each day and it makes me appreciate again how Heavenly Fathers hand is in everything. If it wasnt for these amazing people I would have never made it as far as I have. It is because of them I have been able to rest. To stay down and keep my sanity. This is what the church is about. I am not a member of this church because I want to receive handouts. I am a member of this church because it is true. I could never deny that. There is nothing about the church that I dont agree with. If I dont understand something or need my testimony of something strengthened I pray and Heavenly Father Blesses me to understand more fully these things. But the blessing which we have received because of being members of this church are, well I dont have words. Heavenly Father loves me. More than I love my children. Which is hard to understand because I love my children so much. But he shows me that love through the kindness of other. I cant wait until it is my turn again to offer that service and to show others how much he loves and can bless them through my service. Because that is really what it is about. Making the life of others a little easier and letting them see and know that Heavenly Father loves them more than they know.
I hope this post all makes sense. Its early and I have so many words and thoughts I want to share that are sometimes hard to just type out :)
This is so amazing! (especially compared to other wards which shall remain nameless!!!)
I loved this. I love how many blessings you are getting at the moment. A real testimony strengthener for sure:).
im so glad your in a good ward this time around. it sounds like your surrounded by some amazing people. what great examples. i hope everything continues to go well. take care.
BRILLIANT!! Sounds like you are surrounded by some amazing people, that are looking after you and your family!! Yet another answer to your prayers!! X
That is awesome Alisha, I am so happy people are seeing what a good person you are and are willing to help you and your family! Soo sweet! Love you guys!
Soooo pleased you are in such a fantastic ward! It must be so reassuring for your family to know you are being looked after so well! Love ya!
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