I thought I had better update before I go to the hospital for my tests tomorrow. I never know when they will decide to just keep me in and since on Tuesday my WBC was a bit high if it is to high they will decide to keep me in. In fact I was thinking I really should pack a hospital bag but I just dont want to jinx myself. I mean if I pack my bag then the universe my make me use it. Which is so not what I want.
Anyway at the moment not much is happening. Like I said about when I went into hopsital for my tests on Tuesday they said that my WBC (white blood count) was a bit raised. They check this because if your WBC is raised to a certain number it means you have an infection. This could be any kind of infection but an infection in my body, any kind, is a bad thing and they would deliver baby straight away. It is a hard one because there is nothing I can do about an infection. I am taking my tablets 4 times a day and vitamin C to boost my immune but besides that there is nothing I can do. No amount of bedrest or anything else will prevent this infection. So now it is up to the Lord. But I know he will make things ok. I have faith. I mean lets be real. I wasnt supposed to make it to 22 weeks and 4 days and here I am.
Tomorrow when we go in I am going to request to speak to the pediatricians at Burton Hospital. I want to know what they can and will do when I deliver. I also want to know if I am 23 weeks and how ever many days if they will help our baby girl or not. I want to know if they would definitely transfer her to Birmingham and if so can I be transfered there too. I have a lot of questions to be honest and I feel like I have a right to know how this hospital deals with pre term babies. Especially now that I am so close to the Magical 24 week Mark.
Well that is about it. Other than to say I am loving the name Sienna but spelled Cienna. So at the moment her name will be Cienna Joyce Whitfield. I am not sure Lee is convinced yet. He gave the name as a suggestion originally but now he is really hesitant. Saying that last night he asked Spencer if her name should be Apple (Lee wants to seriously name her Apple after Apple computers and such) and Spencer said no way daddy. And I said What about Cienna and he said Yes! Cnenna It was so cute how he said it and Lee said thats it he said that so cute that we are going to have to name her Cienna. So maybe Spencer helped me win my case. I love the name I think it is adorable!
Las Vegas
1 month ago
1 comment:
I am so sorry to hear about all your baby #3 troubles. We wish you all the best and I so hope you make it just a few more days at least so you can reach 24 weeks! I love the name Cienna. I think its really cute with a C!
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