Today was a good day. This morning Spencer asked me to sit in the garden whilst he jumped on the trampoline. I sat there watching him and thinking about what a miracle he really is. Sometimes I forget all that we went through. But this morning I sat there watching him and just thinking I am so lucky to have him here with us.
Kaylee was a great big help this afternoon after school. She set the table and put a bunch of the dinner on the table for us. Anytime I do anything she is asking my mummy should you really be doing that? Between her and Lee I cant move without having every movement question.
A sister from the ward came round with her grandson and played with Spencer. Later this evening she brought us our dinner too which was absolutely lovely.
No tears today. I read my patriarchal blessing last night and it really gave me more hope and lifted my spirits. I have always noticed certain things which were said in my blessing but this time a few other things really jumped out at me. One I am "A choice young lady, a choice spirit, the recipient of many favored blessings." Second It talks a lot about my faith and the amount of faith which I have and it says "This faith will become a pillar of strength" I do feel my faith and the faith of those around me giving me strength. I am so grateful for the gospel and today I am especially grateful for my patriarchal blessing and the strength that it has given me. The confirmed knowledge again that my Heavenly Father loves me. He knows me as an individual and he loves me just as much as he loves each of you.
Las Vegas
1 month ago
1 comment:
I'm SO glad you had such a great day!! You have AMAZING faith; something I have always noticed (and something that is also apparent with Kaylee!) I wish I had near your level of faith on so many things!!!
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