This afternoon has been quiet a lot better for me. I havent cried as much. Im not sure there are any tears left.
I went to see my consultant this morning (11:10) and was armed with the help of the Lord through prayers. I explained to the consultant why I thought being on the antibotics was right for me. See last week they were prepared to give me a 5 day course. This antibiotic prevents the growth of natural bacteria in our bodies. Unfortunatly for me it is these bacteria which cause me to labor. Having the antibiotics doesnt mean that I wont get an infection but it will keep it at bay for a while. So last week they told me that they would only give me a 5 day course to help me but they wouldnt give me anymore because they had no hope in me carrying the baby until 24 weeks. Well today I explained to the Dr that I have a lot less of a chance of carrying the baby until at least 24 weeks without the antibiotics. He said if I really felt that I might be able to carry it then he would give it to me and I said I am certain I can. Why do you ask am I certain? Because I have the Lord on my side. The Lord can make anything happen.
Besides that there is no change. I have loads of pressure when I stand up which makes me realise just how important it is for me to stay down. I will be going to the hospital (45 minute drive) 2 - 3 times a week until the baby is born. I did ask the Dr if this was safe since I am supposed to be on bedrest but of course I have no choice.
So there have been other blessings today besides just the antibiotics. Lee went to work this morning and his bosses asked why he was there. They then told him he is to go home and work from home until further notice. Oh my word Heavenly Father is working Miracles. This means that Lee can take and pick Kaylee up from school. He can make sure Spencer has his lunch, and if anything happens to me he is here so we can rush off. Besides the fact that he is able to attend all my dr appts with me.
More blessings have come from our ward. A sister from the ward took me to the Dr this morning, because Lee wasnt home from work yet, and this sister told me how the ward have arranged 2 sisters to come around every morning (M-F) to help with all the housework and to help with Spencer. They have also arranged for dinner to be brought in 2 times a week.
Miracle are happening. In fact as a side note. I have decided on a family theme. And when we get through this I am going to get Vinyl lettering which says "Miracles Do Happen" I will put that on a wall with the pictures of all 3 of my babies. Because I never want to forget that Heavenly Father is providing miracles every day. And though the miracles may not be nearly as obvious as those listed above he does provide miracles.
Las Vegas
1 month ago
Alisha, I'm glad you got hte antibiotics and that you are staying so positive throughout this whole situation. I love you!!!
im so glad your ward and everyone seem to be taking such good care of you and your family. what a blessing to have your hubby home. your faith is amazing. i pray for you and your little one. hang in there.
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