Just a quick update really first off I had an Ultra Sound on Monday and they said we are having A GIRL. So that is really exciting. It is always fun getting good news especially when so much is going on. We are really excited.
In the Ultra Sound they said my waters were lower than before which to be honest suprised me because I dont feel like I have been loosing much water lately.
In the Day Assessment Unit they do my bloods, check to see if I am dialating and do a swab twice a week. When I went on Monday I explained to the Nurse that after the checks last week I was contracting a lot and I also was bleeding. I expressed my concern about being nervous this could bring on premature labour and how I would like to not have the internal checks or swabs anymore. She agreed that it could bring on labor and said that we could do the checks every other week for now. So here is my plan. I am supposed to have all those checks next Thursday but I am going to say to her can we please just wait one more week because by then I will be 23 weeks and 5 days. so If I go into labor then I would hope that they would help my princess to live. Good plan huh!! I dont know if she will go for it or not but it is my body and who is to say I have to get on the table and let her do the checks? If I just leave then I guess she will have no choice except to wait until the next week :)
Well that is about all at the moment. I feel so positive at the moment. I have been having small contractions but women have Braxton Hicks all the time and until they get hard I am really trying not to worry about them. I am afraid that if I worry it will cause stress and that too can bring on labor. So here is to making it another 2 weeks and 3 days. I know I can do it!!
Las Vegas
1 month ago
congrats on hanging in there and on the girl! your so awesome. and your right, you dont have to let that nurse check you. you know whats best for your baby. if it were me I wouldnt let them check me ever! your such a great mom. we're praying you keep that girl in there for weeks and weeks.
i totally agree that you dont have to let her do the checks. it sounds a bit silly to me that when you are at risk of premature labour they want to risk messing around with internal exams and possibly set things off. you stick to your guns alisha - at the end of the day its your body, your baby and you know what is best for you.
Yeah, just walk out and don't let her do them. I like all the positive things you are doing, like thinking about names, and what you want to make, it makes me happy to imagine your little darling. Not long to go now!
You can do it!!! And congrats on the girl again! I'm really excited for you!
Also, it seems like with each pregnancy, I have more and more Braxton Hicks. This pregnancy I have them ALL the time! It's wretched! So, hopefully that is all it is.
Funny story...I have a friend called Cassie Hicks. She was actually considering the name Braxton for her new little boy...until I reminded her that her child's name would be...yup...Braxton Hicks!! She had never even considered it! SO funny!
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