Thursday, 1 January 2009

New Years Day

I hope that you have all had a lovely New Years! I made a big Christmas style dinner and we had Crackers again. Kaylee has been asking for days (since I bought Christmas Crackers) when we can pull the crackers she was so eager today she loves them. These ones had little Santas in them to race so after our New Years Dinner we raced our Santas which was fun as well.

On a side note with our dinner I made Yorkshire Puddings ....... wait I will do another post about them. Here are a few pictures from our New Years Dinner!

Lee with his Christmas Cracker Crown (all crackers have a crown, snap, jokes and a toy) It is tradition to wear your crown all through your Christmas Dinner or in our case New Years Dinner.
Spencer with his crown. He didnt want to wear it getting the picture was difficult but we won in the end!
Kaylee with her crown. She is very different from Spencer in the sense that she wore a few crowns, different colors, during dinner.
Our Dinner which consisted of: Roast Potatos, Mash Potatos, Roasted Parsnips (Spencers Favorite) Carrots, Stuffing balls, Chicken and Yorkshire Puddings followed by the Christmas Tradition Triffle. Yummy!
Racing Santas
Kaylee was the winner, well not really but she was crying because she never get medals. She she won so she could have the winners medal. 

1 comment:

Sarah Coyne said...

Wah! I miss Christmas crackers! By the way, Paul made us some really yummy Yorkshire puddings for Christmas dinner that turned out really nice: hole in the middle and all! I'll have to ask him how he did it! :)