Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Jeff Whitfield

So yesterday morning Lee called me when he got to work. When I answered the phone I said "What is wrong" Not hello or anything. See Lee only calls first thing if something is wrong. So I knew there must be something wrong. He said that he had gotten a message from his mom that his dad had a heart attack in the night. My heart sank. I couldnt believe it. He is doing very well and we are lucky because it was just a minor heart attack. But I wanted to tell you a little about this wonderful man. Mostly because this is a family journal. And maybe some of you who know me but not my husband or his family will get to see just what an amazing family I have married into. And those of you who do know the family I married into can see that they arent just goof balls but real genuinely amazing people. 

I could tell you so many funny stories about Jeff.... Hmmm lets see which one should I start with. Lets start at the beginning. My first Jeff story.... Keeping in mind that I have only been a member of this family for 7 1/2 years and only known them for about 8. While Lee and I were dating Lee was a bit nervous to tell his mom that I had been married before. So one day whilst driving to church with his mom and dad, his dad decided to tell his mom that I was pregnant and that it was Lee's child. He let her believe that for a while too. And then on the way home from church, when Lee had previously decided to tell his mom I was married before, he told her and his dad said oh and by the way she isnt pregnant... Doesnt that make the fact that she has been married before so much better.

 When we were first married and for the first 2 1/2 years of our marriage we didnt have any children. Jeff used to joke with us all the time that when we did have children he would really appreciate it if we would name them Rock (boy) and the next child (girl) Minnie. When Kaylee was born he used to joke with us about Minnie. But I think he has now fallen head over heels in love with Kaylee and can settle for the name difference! 

Jeff is one of the nicest men I know. He always has a way of knowing when I need a chat and always knows just what to say. I really love my chats with him and in fact I actually look forward to my chats with him. 

He is so giving Jeff has enough money to meet his needs. But he doesnt flaunt it. He never makes anyone feel less of a person because they dont have enough and he is so willing to help out when and where he can. He has helped us on more occasions than I can think of. He works so hard for his money often having to spend weeks away from home at a time. In fact I would bet that it is most likely he spend more time away from home than at home. I also dont think I have ever heard him complain about it. Even though everytime he flies he gets horrible ear problems.

He is very loving. He is always willing to give  a cuddle or a smile or something to know that he love you. And he loves his grandchildren so much. I remember that when Kaylee (Minnie) was born he said to Lee I expected it to be different having grand children. I expected that the love would be different than it is with your children, but it isnt. And Kaylee and Spencer love him so much. They light up when we tell them we are going to grandma and granddads. Quiet often Kaylee will say to us you know guys it has been too long since we have seen grandma and granddad. When can we go and see them.

To be honest this blog entry could go on and on and on. But I think I will stop. I must just say one thing here. For all the wonderful things I have written about Jeff there are just as many about Lee's mom Susan. Both of them are such great examples to me of love, generosity, forgiveness,  selflessness and well all the wonderful things that I want to be when I grow up!!!! If you read this I hope you both know how much I love and appreciate all that you do for Lee and I and our 2 beautiful children. I only pray that we can someday be half as amazing as you both are!


Tiffini said...

I'm sorry to hear of your father-in-law. I hope he recovers well and fast. I'm so excited for you that you finally get to go home, and that your staying a month! That's great! You know they have an inn and out in SG now right. I also love that you have family home evening regularly that's awesome. The next two months can't come fast enough huh.

Kelly Krew said...

I hope he recovers soon, I have only met him 1 time... at the wedding and he seems like a great person from the stories I hear from you! My heart goes out to all of you Whitfield's during this hard time.

Kelly Stoddart said...

Oh I am so glad that you he is doing o.k. What a scary thing though. Sounds like you have a wonderful father-in-law. I love the story about how he told his parents that you had been married before. I hope that he gets better soon!

Sarah Coyne said...

Oh no! I hope he is okay! You are right, Jeff is such a great guy and I'm so glad it wasn't as serious as it could have been. Tell him to hang in there!