Saturday, 3 January 2009

Its all Over! Thanks Goodness

This week has been so crazy. I have been so busy and offered to do so much that I am completely warn out. Sometimes I have loads of good intentions and then as things progress I wonder how on earth am I going to do everything that I wanted to do. We arrived home from Darlington on Monday afternoon and what did I do? Straight away after talking to Simon and Lisa I asked them over for dinner which meant making sure the house was tidy after being away 5 days. Plus Needing to cook for us all. Tuesday was pretty peaceful. I had loads of unpacking to do and I needed to go through all the kids toys to try and find room for all the new toys (something I should have done before we went away). Wednesday I cooked all day. We had the missionaries and some good friends over for New Years Ever. I made Mexican everything from scratch. Puerto Rican Rice and Beans (I am Puerto Rican) Chicken Flautas with homemade tortillas, Homemade guacamole and homemade Rootbeer. Ok so Rootbeer isnt Mexican but it was on the menu! We had a lovely time just chatting. The missionaries had to be home for 10 and our friends needed to be back in Chorley for 11:30 so we were in bed before 12. Then we had the missionaries back New years morning for a few hours and made them Breakfast as well as this sister in our ward and her two teenage children. So I had to make sure all the dishes were done before they got here and make breakfast for 11 people. Then I made us a big lovely dinner for New Years day. Then on friday I needed to do a major house clean before the weekend. Then Saturday Morning a friend of ours who has been in the UK for 6 months and is going back to the states on Monday came over with her husband. And then wanted to invite another couple from the area over so they could see them as well and I ended up making homemade pizza for 6 adults and 2 children. I love entertaining but I dont like doing a years worth of entertaining in 1 week. Tonight when our friends left I fell asleep on the couch and now it is 9:10 in the evening and after this week I feel exhausted. I must say here that I loved seeing all these people. If I didnt want to see them I would have never invited them all over. But I am really excited to get back to normal next week as well. I love Christmas but at times it can be so stressful that I like being back to normal! So here is to getting back to normal. Clean houses, early nights, kids back in school, healthy eating (I want to lose 2st more before going home at the end of March) and routine!


Us said...

wow alisha! im with you on getting back to normal. december is a crazy month, it almost takes a year to recover fully. i dont know where you get the energy to do all you do. im in awe. please teach me:)

Tiffini said...

I'm exhausted just reading this. How wonderful that you are that willing. I love entertainging, but have no one to entertain for :( then when I do it never happens :( My Hubby and I text each other all the time I think it's great especially for those hairy leg moments when you don't want anyone to hear!!