I'd like to be serious, if I may, for a few moments.
During my lunch break today I was reading the regular news websites that I frequent and found an article about a 16 month old boy, Benjamin Kingan, who died after an incident at his day-care facility.
The story says that the day-care worker, 22, became annoyed when Benjamin was making too much noise and threw him on the floor. The young boy was upset, picked up his security blanket and crawled to his 'comfort zone' under a bouncer seat. There he lost consciousness and passed away.
This story hurts for so many reasons.
I am a father of two beautiful children. I can only imagine the despair that the parents would have felt when they got that call at work saying what had happened to their little boy. I feel for them and, even though I do not know these people, I wish there was some way that I could help them. Can any of you imagine getting such a phone call explaining that your baby had died at the hands of someone you trusted with your most precious son? Further, that one of the carers had killed him?
Also consider little Benjamin, he is in a better place, thank God. But what about the moments before he died? Someone he trusted hurt him. With that trust gone he was left, clutching his little blanket on his own in the only place he felt safe. This breaks my heart and makes me cry just thinking about it. I can picture Spencer doing something similar if the same thing happened to him, and that is why I think this story is so potent to me. I can only hope that Benjamin died quickly so that the pain wasn't too great.
Please remember the Kingan family in your prayers tonight, and, thos of you with children, take a good look at them, give them a little hug. Even when they tip the TV over, breaking it, or smash something of personal significance, just think of how much you would love them to do something like that if you were Benjamin's parents, because that would mean that he was still there. Be greatful for all the things your children do because it means you still have them.
Happy St Patty's Day
4 hours ago
Wow, that was awesome!! Thanks Lee! Kind of makes you think about what is important and what is not hu! Sometime we get wrapped up in our lives and what is "Important" it is not until a tragedy occurs that makes us realize we are crazy to take each day for granted! Thanks for Sharing Lee!
Ok I did not mean Awesome, I meant Horrible, I am not a monster I promise!
Thank you for sharing this story. After an evening where my temper was running a little short with the little ones, I needed this. Will go and kiss them now while they sleep and be grateful for another day with their special spirits.
That is SUCH a sad story....in fact I am crying!!
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