Tuesday, 9 December 2008

PJ the Elf

In my family we have always had a Christmas Eve tradition one which probably most people have..... Opening one gift on Christmas Eve. And it never fails that the gift is always Pajamas. One of my sisters changed the tradition with her family a few years ago and has shared the idea with each of us. Every year there is a knock at her front door now and presents are left on the doorstep. (Her mother in law lives near and can do this for her) The gifts are pajamas left by PJ the Elf. You see PJ is one of Santa's helpers. He is the one responsible for making sure all children are in their pj's and tucked up in bed before Santa gets to the houses. So he leaves PJs for all the children to get into and then go straight to bed. I love this idea because it makes it seem as though Santa is really near. Last year two of my sisters co wrote a poem to attach to the Pj's and I love it so I thought I would share it with you all!

You have been good so Santa has said,
Now put on your pj's and go straight to bed.
Your jammies will keep you so nice and cozy,
from the tip of your toes to your cute little nosey.
So hop into bed, dream of reindeer in flight
For Jolly ole' Santa is coming tonight!

-Brittney Robles and Misty Kelly

The kids still get to open one gift from under the tree but now instead of it being Pj's they get slippers. I love traditions! We have loads!


Tiffini said...

This is the cutest idea ever! Now I just need to make friends with someone when Hailey is older to do this for us.

Sarah Coyne said...

This is a really great idea. I could use some new PJs this year!

knittinbrit_in_wi said...

What a great idea! We always do the one gift/jammies thing, so I think we may have to steal your wonderful idea and incorporate it into our Christmas eve celebration. I'm sure I can enlist a neighbor to help.

Thanks for sharing.

Our Loved-up Family said...

I love that idea - I'm stealing it!

Gull Family said...

well looks like you have changed all our traditions i like that a whole lot better than just opening them from the tree. Thanks and hope you don't mind if we steel it