Monday, 15 December 2008

Happy Birthday Princess!!

Today is Kaylees 5th Birthday. At 6:28 this evening she will officially be 5 years old. At times like this I cant help but look back over the last 5 years. Kaylee was born, after 83 hours of serious labour, via emergency c-section. I remember the song which was play in the operating room when she was born... Puppy Love by Donny Osmond. Pretty perfect song. I remember the moment they put her into my arms and how I felt that I could never be a good enough mother to this precious little child who had just left the presence of our Father in Heaven. Because Kaylee was Premature and had a few complications she had to stay in the hospital for a few weeks. And then she came home on Christmas Eve........ And the fun began!

It is so exciting to watch your children grow and become little people with their own personalities, likes and dislikes, feelings, and so much more. There are so many things which I love about Kaylee. I often feel like she and I had a special connection before coming here and that she was sent to me to help me along the way. Dont get me wrong even at 5 years old we already have disagrements and at times she tries to take on the roll of being the mommy. But even in those moments I love her and I love watching her grow!

Here are a few of my favorite things about Kay's:

  • I love how loving she is. She loves everyone unconditionally and no matter what.
  • I love how spiritual she is. Kaylee has a very special connection and sometimes I actually wonder if the veil has been completely drawn over her eyes. She seems to know so much about where we came from where we are going and how to get there.
  • I love how every day she tells me that I am her best friend and that she loves no one more than me.
  • I love how much she loves her little brother and how she plays with him and how concerned she is for him all the time.
  • I love how helpful she is and how she is always trying to help out around the house doing little things.
  • I love that she still lets me pick out her clothes with out throwing a fit.
  • I love when we go to the hair dressers together and the lady asks her if she likes it and she looks at me and says mommy what do you think and when I say I love it she says well then so do I.
  • I love how every night she needs both Lee and I to take her to bed so that we can all be involved in her personal prayer.
  • I love when she asks if we can have a family kiss and a family hug!
  • I love how excited she is to see me every day after school and how she runs up to me and kisses me and says I missed you today mommy.
  • I love how understanding she is even when I am not having a great day.
  • I love how playful she is with her daddy. And how much she loves him and he loves her.
Honestly the list can go on and on. She is just how I imagined have a little daughter would be. She is my princess. I cant imagine a minute of my life without her. I live my life to make her, Spencer and Lee happy. This is my happily ever after. Thank you Heavenly Father for allowing me to take care of one of your precious spirits. For allowing me to be a part of her journey!! Kaylee I love you more than you can ever imagine!! Thank you for being you!!

Here is a video of her doing her "Birthday Dance to the music on the card Grandma and Grandad Whitfield gave her"

Here is a Birthday Wish from a few of her cousins Aspin, Karter & Cohen Cram. Thanks you guys we love you so much and miss you more than you could imagine


Sarah Coyne said...

Happy Birthday Kaylee! I can't believe she's 5 already! I really love Kaylee for the girl that she is, and for being Nathan's first friend. She was always so kind to him, even though he was a boy and was so much younger than him. She is such a sweetheart and I hope she had a brilliant b-day!!!

Talli said...

Today is my oldest daugter Trista's Birthday also. She turned 11-CRAZY. I didn't know we had babies on the same day 6 years apart:) My hubbys is tomorrow. Christmas Birthdays are so hard don't you think?! We just want to make it special with out all the Christmas rush. Happy Birthday Kaylee!

Tiffini said...

Happy birthday to you Kaylee! What a sweet precious spirit you have there!

Our Loved-up Family said...

Aahhh, that made me cry, feeling teh love you have for your beuatiful daughter. How blessed you all are to have each other.
Happy Birthday Kaylee!

Rachel said...

I can't believe she is 5 years old! When I served in Wigan, she was just a little one..I think she was 1! Wow, time sure flies by! I hope she had a fun day! :)

Kelly Krew said...

Oh i just love her, I wish I was there to celebrate her birthday with her! When you move back we will have to throw BIG parties for your little ones! I love you Kaylee, your little voice is adorable I am glad I was able to talk to you to wish you a happy Birthday I wish I could have seen you as well!
Love you Princess!
Aunt Misty!