Friday, 28 November 2008


This afternoon we finally had the opportunity to go to Stonehenge. I have been wanting to go for about a year since and we have not ever had the chance. So today we made a special effort. It was so cool to see up close. Something I will always remember. Anyway here are a few pictures of our visit there!


The Scott Family said...

Wahay!! I am glad you finally made it there! It looks like it was pretty freezing!

Lee said...

I look really miserable in that picture with the kids. I actually felt quite happy, I must have just grimaced at the wrong time.

Us said...

great pictures alisha. what a fun thing to do with the fam.

Sarah Coyne said...

Oooh, I'm so jealous! We totally tried to go to this like 5 times, but never got to! Glad you guys are taking the opportunity to visit stuff like this while you are out there!

Kelly Krew said...

WOW that looks Awesome I am jealous I wish I could see 1/2 the cool stuff you get to see! Looks like you had a blast! I can not believe how big Spencer is getting! They are adorable! Love you guys!

Cindy said...

Looks like a fun trip!

Jaimers said...

You should have told me you were going to stonehenge! We near to there and there's some other sites around that I think our cooler than stonehenge, but free! Everybody has to do stonehenge once, though! Glad you enjoyed it!