This is a more serious blog entry. One of my Dear Friends in California has been working on the campaign for Proposition 8 for the past few months and I just wanted to do a blog entry up here with my views on this Proposition. This is a difficult one for me only because I do have friends who are Gay and my best girl friend in the last year admitted to me that she is a lesbian. So first you might be asking what is Proposition 8 well, Proposition 8 is an initiative measure on the 2008 California General Election Ballot titled Eliminated Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry. If Passed, the proposition would change the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California. A new section would be added stating "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. So why having friends whom are in same sex relationships would I vote yes for a proposition like this well the answer is simple and has everything to do with my religious background. In the Family Proclamation to the World it clearly states: "We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife... Marriage between man and woman is essential to his eternal plan." I believe in my religion not because my parents have forced a testimony of it upon me but because I have found out out for myself that it is true. And for this reason if a prophet of God says that marriage is only lawful to men and woman then that is how it should be. So I hope not to offend anyone but I believe this is how things are meant to be. I know that America is the Land of the Free and that people will likely think that adding this amendment to the original Proposition 22 of 2000 with take away their freedom. But in my opinion Prop 22 in 2000 was never explained well enough and if it would have been then it is likely it never would have passed. Anyway if you are from CA (which most of my family is) or if you know anyone in CA I urge you to encourage them to vote YES on Proposition 8.
Las Vegas
1 month ago
i second that ditto. its so frustrating to think that even members of our church are opposing this.
One of my best friends is gay, I do not contest the way that he lives his life, but he knows what my position is on the issue.
I think that any member that opposes this need to take a long had look at the questions you are asked in a Temple Recommend interview.
Here, Here! I think many church members become confused with not wanting to judge others, and taking a stand for "truth and righteousness". We still love our friends who choose different paths, but can not condone wrong choices.
I forwarded Emma a really good email about this, you should ask her for it.
I tried to leave a comment on here a few days ago, but it got wiped out. You already know my views on the subject. What shocks me is that some people who are considering voting for Obama are also voting 'yes' on prop 8. Do people just not have a clue what the candidates stand for???? I agree with you whole heartedly!
I think its absolutely DISGUSTING that you have an opinion on SUCH a controversial issue! How awful that you have a brain and like to use it!!! How awful that you have an opinion and that you would even consider posting it on your blog!!! Tut tut tut!!!
You rock Alisha! ;)
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