Friday, 5 September 2008

Busy Girl!

So ever since AdSense got stupid and took away my extra income and my obsession  of constantly clicking their site to see how much money I have made ;) I have needed something to keep my mind off the fact that I havent been home for 3 YEARS!! Lee has been after me to do a podcast for ages (he thinks I have a great voice.... I'm not too sure) and he is always telling me to try and think of something I could do a podcast about so the other day I was making dinner frustrated about AdSense trying to think of a way to make a few extra £'s or save a few extra £'s every month on shopping etc and I had a vision.... The heavens opened up and standing there was an  angel..... Ok that bit is a lie but I did have an idea. I would start a podcast and a website to help other save money just like me. With the cost of everything rising these days I think we all need some savings. And if you are one of the lucky few who have all the money you could ever need and  arent really bothered about searching for deals well you would have to admit that if you found a deal you would still take advantage of it. So I started a website This is a british website I scour (I love that word) the internet trying to find the best deals in the Uk on well everything and then I post them every day on my website. Im am going to do a podcast on Monday's and Thursday's which will feature all the deals as well. I have plans to do this in the states but I want to get this one up and running smoothly first. Plus the one in the states would have to be state by state sites as each state often has different deals being offered. But I already have ideas for these sites and names for each site .... which I cant share here because other people look at this than just my friends and family. 

So has it worked you ask? has it kept me busy enough to not think about home as much? Well I wouldnt say that this on its own has but a number of things has helped. I have started a book club in Chorley (a near by town) and now have a blog for this. I have been making loads of Jam with the cheap fruit prices, still doing my Young Womans calling (which I still dislike very much thanks to the people in the presidency), still keeping up on the housewife jobs, looking after my children, and scouring ( ;) hehehe) the internet for fantastic deals to put on my website. I have also been emailing companies and asking if they would be willing to give me exclusive deals to list on my website. Plus I have been trying to figure out photoshop (Tiff I am going to get this digi scrapbooking started so soon just trying to figure out Photoshop first) So I have been busy and I havent been thinking about home quiet as much. Saying that the other night I woke up pillow wet and tears streaming down my face. I had a dream that all my family was in a room with me we had 30 minutes to visit and the 30 minutes was up and they were all getting ready to leave I was kicking and screaming for them to please let me go with them but something or someone was holding me back telling me I couldnt go. I was fighting as hard as I could fight and my mom was begging me to come but I couldnt go the thing wouldnt let me. It was as if I finally gave up and my whole body fell to the floor and I was just sobbing and that is when I woke up.  I think my sub cautious mind realises Im trying to make do and I am still very homesick deep down. But at least in the waking hours I am not thinking about it as much. So check out the website if you want. I also have a facebook group if you have any friends in the UK and want them to take advantage of some great deals pass the link onto them. And watch this space. In a year or two I might be blogging about a Thriftythinking near you!! ;) xxxxxx


Us said...

your amazing alisha. if i had $3,000 i would give it to you. if there is anything i can do to help please let me know!

Sarah Coyne said...

Hey, I had a look at your website!! You are so amazing to be able to set this all up. I really hope it all works out for you as I know that you are probably reaching the end of your tether about now!

Tiffini said...

You are so amazingly determined and motivated! Can't wait for your future ones in the states I am always looking for a great deal. I hear ya on the Photoshop it took me a couple months I'm not so computer savvy! Good luck I wish I could help your goal!