Sunday, 4 April 2010

Ummmmm Mommy!!!

This morning when Kaylee came down stairs she was so excited to see that the Easter Bunny had come and brought gifts and candy. One problem.... She said to me:

"Mommy does the:

(Easter Bunny)

Shop at:

I said I dont know. Why K's. She said well the games say Asda on them. Are you sure your not the Easter Bunny because you told me last night you needed to go to Asda. OH CRAPPY!! I just said Kaylee with moving Daddy and I really wouldnt have had the money to buy you all these sweets and awesome games. The Easter Bunny doesnt have Elves like Santa does so he has to buy the presents.

We will see how long I can keep up this charade!!


3 "Pease" in a pod said...

Oh dear, I know how you feel! The other day when Carson lost his tooth he woke up to money under his pillow but he said "Mom, I know you put it there" After all day of trying to convince him, it wasn't working so we just told him the truth. He said "I knew there was no such thing as the tooth fairy because Tinkerbell is not real and who the heck would want to collect teeth!?" Oh kids are so funny. But it's sad when they get older and don't believe... :(

Sarah Coyne said...

Oh, this is crazy! Nathan is starting to get susipcious as well! I wonder just how many holidays we have left before he figures everything out!