Wednesday, 14 January 2009

When Life Gives you Lemons..... Complain about it!

I have so much to be grateful for! These past few weeks have been so crazy in our home. And for some reason yesterday seemed to just tip both Lee and I over the edge. In the past two weeks we have had our heating stop working, our oven only half work and our car broken (again I know it really is a lemon) Then yesterday to top it all off Lee got an email from his mom saying his dad has had a Heart Attack. Honestly can anything else go wrong? We are so very lucky that his heart attack was only minor and that no lasting damage has been done. And while we were trying to digest that Spencer decided to pull our LCD TV off the stand and break it. I know a lot of people dont watch TV or dont allow their children to watch TV but I do. I have to. They dont watch a lot but they do watch it. Last night Kaylee decided to put on a play for us though. So when she got home from school first thing we did was make granddad a get get well soon card and then we made little puppets for her to do a play for Lee and I. Amazingly enough the evening did seem to go by very quickly which was good because Im not too sure Lee and I could have handled it if not. Well I guess we just need to pray to Heavenly Father and thank him for all the things which we do have. Here are a list of things I am grateful for:

  • Firstly I am really grateful that My wonderful Father in law is ok. I love him very much and am really glad that things were not worse than they were!
  • Im grateful for my health and the health of my husband and children and other family members
  • Im grateful for my husband and children.
  • Im grateful for a place to live
  • Im grateful for food to eat and clean water (or juice or whatever else) to drink
  • Im grateful Lee has a good paying job. And a steady job. Especially at this time when so many people dont have jobs or arent able to get work.
  • Im grateful for amazing friends who know that I am not perfect and still love me for who I am.
  • I am grateful to be able to watch my children grow everyday even though at times they are naughty or too demanding. Even when they are making HUGE Messes (Spencer is right now) Because cleaning the messes means I have them in my life!
  • I am grateful for the gospel. Even though I dislike my ward. And the fact that I dislike the ward just shows that I am not perfect. Which is why I need the gospel.
  • Im grateful that the sun is mostly shining today even if the sky isnt blue or is hazy!
  • Im grateful to be able to walk and run to talk. To Smell.. ( My sister has no sense of Smell which means she cant taste either) and for all my other senses.
  • Im grateful for the opportunity to go and see my family in a few months (2 to be exact)
  • Im grateful for laughter. Sometimes we have to laugh to keep from crying but isnt laughing awesome?
The list goes on and on. And I suggest that if you have a not so nice day .... week or even month. Take a minute to list all the things that you are grateful for. It really does help!

PS the pics are from Kaylees Puppet Show!

1 comment:

Us said...

im sorry to hear everything is going so crazy for you right now. i hope everything settles down and get better (fixed) or whatever soon.
p.s. i love the stories of your father in law. that first one totally made me laugh. he sounds like a great guy.