Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Christmas Day

We had a lovely Christmas this year. We went on Christmas Eve to Lee's mum and dad's house in Darlington. It is about a 2 1/2 hour drive. When we got there Grandma had made little cakes for us and had made a lovely roast dinner (Thanks Grandma!!) Then after unpacking the car we started to enjoy the festive season even more. Grandma had bought a gingerbread house for Kaylee to make and she loved doing it (dang me I forgot to take pictures). We had Christmas carol playing all day. It was so much fun. Lee's Brother Brad was there too which was really nice. PJ the elf showed up around 6 pm and from that point Kaylee was pretty excited to get into bed because she knew that Santa was close by (if you dont know who PJ the elf is read an earlier post called PJ the ELF!)Then Santa came and brought so many wonderful gifts it was insane. It was a bit of a joke because I said we didnt have many gifts for the children. But one you added all the gifts everyone else had bought for them as well I think they had about 20 gifts each it was really insane! Christmas morning we had so much fun. It took us about an hour and a bit to open all the presents and the kids couldnt decide what to play with first. We had so many presents that even the 3rd day after Christmas they were coming into me asking me to open boxes of things which hadnt been opened yet. We had a lovely Christmas Dinner. Kaylee kept asking all morning when we could open the Christmas Crackers and she was so excited when she finally got to do it. Then after dinner we play the Whitfield Annual Pass the Pigs. This year Kaylee won. So for the next year she will be the champion.... The one to beat next year. By the end of the day both of the children were so tired and so worn out that they could hardly keep their eyes open. We had such a lovely day. One of the best Christmases for us in a long time. Thank you Jeff and Sue for making it such a special day for all of us. We love you dearly!


Our Loved-up Family said...

I'm glad you and your kids had such a great christmas, and well done for losing 24lbs - VERY impressive!!!I'm glad that you have such a good relationship with your in-laws too, that makes all the difference when you are away from home.

Talli said...

how fun-I am glad you all had a good Christmas-your hubby looks like a big kid-just like my hubby:) fun right-I wouldn't want it any other way and our kids love him that way also-Merry Christmas!

The Scott Family said...

I've decided I dont beleive in Santa Claus, cos I asked for an Elmo Live and I never got one!!! Glad your kids did, so I can come play...not with knives though!!!!

Love the photo of Lee rocking out...you go Rock star!!